Tuesday, June 28, 2011



马来西亚自新的第6任首相上位以来就以国家未来即将会破产的言论来间接恐吓人民要开始节制,从而就开始了一链的经济补贴削减运动。这个经济补贴削减运动的理由很简单,目前很多马来西亚人的生活很浪费(这个身为马来西亚人的我都有点认同),糖食用过量导致肥胖,水也是毫无节制的浪费。伴随这个补贴削减后,是非常恐怖的高通货膨胀。原因很简单,糖1KG20毛,可是物品就算没有用到1KG糖的也是每个单位起20毛。原本RM1.50的咖啡,现在起到RM1.70, 13%的通货膨胀,你说是高还是低?一碗面原本卖RM4.50,现在跟随补贴削减运动,运输费用起+原料起价,商家有借口将它一下起到RM6.00一碗面,多了RM1.50。你可能觉得RM1.50不算什么,不过你以比例来看就是33.33%的通货膨胀。请问马来西亚的通货膨胀严重吗?很多粉刷太平的经济学家还说马来西亚的通货膨胀还在可以控制的范围,叫人民自己开始先开源节流。单以平民的这个算法你就知道事态严重了。(抱歉在下大学学过皮毛经济学,骗不到我)


Sell in Maygo away是外国的定律,我国是Sell in July, say Bye bye.              

Friday, June 17, 2011


Buy At Quantity Cost MktPrice MktValue Gain/Loss Gain/Loss %
Ivory 1.25 1500 1879.56 0.9200 1380.00 (499.56) -26.58%
PowerRoot 0.60 500 298.18 0.5500 275.00 (23.18) -7.77%
Melewar 0.89 1000 926.27 0.7700 770.00 (156.27) -16.87%
Supermax 3.85 200 783.24 3.9800 796.00 12.76 1.63%
Latexx 2.40 200 493.15 2.1300 426.00 (67.15) -13.62%
BJTOTO 4.28 200 870.00 4.5300 906.00 36.00 4.14%


Total Portfolio Value

7511.86 (697.40) -8.50%


最近IVORY继续慢慢探低。觉得可以再买入少许。至于为何,我的另外一个penny stock的blog会进行详细的分析,敬请期待。

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


MAA and Melewar doesn't seems to be a good speculation stock anymore. Ignore with forever.
Today I am going to analyst here my all time favorite consumer stocks-Power Root.

PowerRoot I start my analysis starting from year 2008.

PowerRoot 2008-2011

Financial Year/Feb 2008 2009 2010 2011
Sales(m) 178.48 138.15 153.11 182.44
EPS 0.14 0.03 0.03 0.04
Gross Profit Margin 26.69% 5.62% 8.48% 8.12%
Net Profit Margin 22.00% 7.06% 6.65% 6.69%
Free Cashflow (,000) (18.26) 2.41 20.61 -4.17
BVPS 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.60
Longterm Debts (,000) 16.87 3.07 3.25 3.64
Debts Ratio (0.92) 1.27 0.16 (0.87)
TL/E 0.22 0.17 0.17 0.23
Piotroski Test

What I look for normally when analyzing a company is the management style, it's accounting book health and finally it's dividend.
Management style wise, all the year it has been quietly building its business in local market, and recently it expand very fast. With many advertisement starting 2009, Alicafe is one of the most well known brand in Malaysia, especially with the local Malay ethnic market. And in Chinese market, it has the famous Hongkong TVB star 'Lum Fung' as its brand ambassador. A very tactical move after another competitor Super has JJ Lim from Singapore as their brand ambassador.

Product wise, it has multiple types of product to suit different person's needs especially the coffee which it stakes especially for Men-Tongkat Ali, and another for women.

Well, product aside, let's have a look at company's financial health.
From the report I gather, Net profit 2010 is RM10.18million, 2011 will be RM12.213million,
Longterm liabilities is 3.64m in 2011, total liabilities 44.83m.
Cash available as seen in balance sheet is 47.95m.
So to say, it is very healthy as longterm liabilities low, and Total liabilities/NetProfit=3.6, meaning it can pay back all liabilities in 3.6 years time using all its net profit coming years, even without using its available cash in bank.

Another important thing I look at is the dividend payout pass few years-5 years to be good.
The reason for this is simple, I think companies that are making money with ample cash left over should pay some good dividend to their shareholders provided they have no plan to expand more in coming near term. If a company make lots of money and refuses to payout good dividend and yet have a very low liabilities concern, I think shareholders should be very careful about this type of management.

Anyway, below is dividend payout by PowerRoot pass few years.

2010 0.08 14.55%
2009 0.04 7.27%
2008 0.04 7.27%
It payout quite generously last year because its sales hit beautifully. Hopefully more dividend to come in future and also 2011. But we assume lesser just to be conservative. Looking at 2008 and 2009, it still payout RM0.04 to shareholders. With current price at RM0.55, I think it is a good buy to keep for future. To look at sustainability of dividend payment of a company, look especially year 2007,2008. The reason is because recession come during that few years, if company is in healthy position, dividend normally will remain stable. Thus looking at this point, I believe the company can still support their dividends years to come. A 7% above dividend I consider very good in Malaysia stock market.