See how Warren Buffett buys share in this interview
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Name | Revenue | Net Profit | PM | LT Lia | TL | TL/NP | BVPS | P/B | EPS | P/E |
HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD | 897,826,000.00 | 201.80 | 22.48% | 55.58 | 158.10 | 0.78 | 1.53 | 3.64 | 0.555 | 10.01 |
LATEXX PARTNERS BERHAD | 458,214,000.00 | 60.66 | 13.24% | 72.33 | 200.74 | 3.31 | 1.20 | 1.64 | 0.274 | 7.19 |
SUPERMAX CORP BHD | 988,629,000.00 | 108.78 | 11.00% | 175.38 | 368.11 | 3.38 | 2.21 | 1.73 | 0.319 | 12.01 |
KOSSAN RUBBER INDUSTRIES | 1,025,784,000.00 | 91.82 | 8.95% | 64.93 | 343.77 | 3.74 | 1.45 | 2.02 | 0.287 | 10.20 |
TOP GLOVE CORP BHD | 2,053,916,000.00 | 113.14 | 5.51% | 36.86 | 241.08 | 2.13 | 1.85 | 2.37 | 0.183 | 23.99 |
ADVENTA BHD | 421,000,000.00 | 17.20 | 4.09% | 39.17 | 194.25 | 11.29 | 1.47 | 1.15 | 0.113 | 15.01 |
CAREPLUS BHD | 45,934,000.00 | 5.45 | 11.87% | - | - | 0.00 | 0.16 | 2.18 | 0.03 | 13.27 |
我們先看看過去110年黃金的走勢圖 來自:世界黃金協會
從上圖我們可以看出在以美元購買力為計價單位的黃金價格,歷史高點出現在1980年1月,之後逐漸滑落直到2001年也就是本輪牛市的開始,黃金價格才轉 為上漲。在過去四十年,按照2011年美元購買力計算,黃金平均價格為660美元。回到1980年1月黃金月平均價格為678美元(如按2011年美元購 買力計算為1919美元)歷史最高價為850美元(如按2011年美元購買力計算為2406美元)。
現在很難說清楚我們是否正在經歷一個新的黃金泡沫。上一個黃金泡沫上升很快,而且價格很高(以美元購買力計算)。另一方面,以40年平均值來看黃金價格離 它的高點還有一段距離,但是可以說黃金的泡沫正在形成,這個泡沫什麼時候終結,我們最終還要回到市場經濟的基礎供給與需求。在過去10年里黃金開採業一直 對他們的黃金對衝價格予以保密,但是最近大多數生產商承認它們已經不在繼續套期保值業務,完全以市場價格出售黃金。據荷蘭銀行黃金避險報告(2010年第 4季度)披露黃金套期保值業務跌至10年低點(2010年為4.7萬盎司2001年為100萬盎司)。此外該報告還預測到2011年底平均黃金開採成本將 上升至700美元/盎司。世界黃金產量的75%開採成本大約為840美元/盎司,10%的產量開採成本為1160美元/盎司,因此黃金價格受開採成本影響 很大。除了生產成本,黃金價格還受需求和價格預期的影響。大多數黃金生產商對未來非常看好。我個人看好黃金的走勢,因為黃金能很好的做為一種既能對衝通脹 又能避免金融恐慌的完美資產。我個人認為1000美元/盎司以上的價格是非常合理的,而且黃金的開採成本也對金價提供了支撐。如果黃金價格低於1200美 元/盎司,一些黃金開採商將停止開採,對黃金的供求關系產生影響,金價將近一步走高。
從上圖我們可以發現1900年到1934年之間黃金價格走勢非常平坦,當時美元對黃金價格貶值69%,在1933年美國總統富蘭克林-羅斯福 (Franklin D. Roosevelt)頒布法令宣布持有黃金非法,所有美國公民必須以每盎司20.67美元的官方匯率向美國聯邦儲備局出售黃 金,該法令一直延續到1975年。第二次世界大戰結束後,“布雷頓森林協定”制定了一個以美元為中心的國際貨幣體系協定,許多國家的匯率與美元挂鉤同時美 聯儲保証美元按照官價兌換黃金,以維持協定成員國對美元的信心。這一系統一直維持到1971年,由於美國聯邦政府在越南戰爭的大額花銷以及政府的財政赤 字,尼克松總統宣布美國不再以美元兌換黃金,法國也有儲備美元轉為黃金,從此黃金步入了第一個牛市。110年美元購買力走勢圖
上圖:自1971年以來按通貨膨脹調整後的黃金價格。從上圖我們可以看出在以美元購買力為計價單位的黃金價格,歷史高點出現在1980年1月,之後逐漸滑落直到2001年也就是本輪牛市的開始,黃金價格才轉 為上漲。在過去四十年,按照2011年美元購買力計算,黃金平均價格為660美元。回到1980年1月黃金月平均價格為678美元(如按2011年美元購 買力計算為1919美元)歷史最高價為850美元(如按2011年美元購買力計算為2406美元)。
現在很難說清楚我們是否正在經歷一個新的黃金泡沫。上一個黃金泡沫上升很快,而且價格很高(以美元購買力計算)。另一方面,以40年平均值來看黃金價格離 它的高點還有一段距離,但是可以說黃金的泡沫正在形成,這個泡沫什麼時候終結,我們最終還要回到市場經濟的基礎供給與需求。在過去10年里黃金開採業一直 對他們的黃金對衝價格予以保密,但是最近大多數生產商承認它們已經不在繼續套期保值業務,完全以市場價格出售黃金。據荷蘭銀行黃金避險報告(2010年第 4季度)披露黃金套期保值業務跌至10年低點(2010年為4.7萬盎司2001年為100萬盎司)。此外該報告還預測到2011年底平均黃金開採成本將 上升至700美元/盎司。世界黃金產量的75%開採成本大約為840美元/盎司,10%的產量開採成本為1160美元/盎司,因此黃金價格受開採成本影響 很大。除了生產成本,黃金價格還受需求和價格預期的影響。大多數黃金生產商對未來非常看好。我個人看好黃金的走勢,因為黃金能很好的做為一種既能對衝通脹 又能避免金融恐慌的完美資產。我個人認為1000美元/盎司以上的價格是非常合理的,而且黃金的開採成本也對金價提供了支撐。如果黃金價格低於1200美 元/盎司,一些黃金開採商將停止開採,對黃金的供求關系產生影響,金價將近一步走高。
展望:金價昨天強勁上揚,現已突破上周高點錄得一個多月以來的新高。有關希臘總理迫于其它歐洲領導人的壓力將宣布辭職的消息刺激歐洲股市強勁反彈,導致美 元全面受壓,為金價提供了支持。因為這樣希臘就有關債務協議的公投將沒有可能舉行。技術上金價日線圖指標也已修正超買,可能會再次上行,小時圖隨機指標目 前自超買回落,我們傾向尋機做多。
Monday, November 7, 2011
看了报纸,让我想到很多,包括双亲的退休生活。马来西亚如果双亲退休后,还能够继续生活到几时?如果没有儿子养育可能吗。 让人担忧是现在生活越来越难,儿子自己生活都很辛苦了。
一场突如其来的急病,使到许多人付出毕生储蓄,並且欠债 累累。
债务管理机构的统计数据显示,逾16万名向该机构求助的 民眾中,有26%是因为医药费的支出而陷入经济困境及“ 走投无路”。
过去许多人是因为毫无节制的使用信用卡才变成卡奴,然而 现在医药费已成为民眾的最大经济负担。
许多民眾因为支付医药费变成“负债一族”;他们可能是为 自己、伴侣、父母或孩子的医药费刷卡才变成卡奴。
Financial Freedom,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
雲頂大馬旗下名勝世界紐約(Resort World New York)在上週五開張營業,首日開業成功吸引近3萬名訪客,反應熱烈到名勝世界紐約需要求訪客在下週才到訪。
“隨著第一期工程開業,市場焦點現鎖定可能在未來2個月開業的第二期工程,其中第五大道賭場和康樂福賭場(Crockford Casino)預計設有2千515台視頻彩票終端機(Video Lottery Terminal),預計將為賭場惠顧帶來進一步提振。”
聯昌認為,名勝世界紐約賭場擁有策略性地點、亞洲聯繫與廣泛客戶基礎,以及新設施支撐,盈利前景非常可觀,而雲頂大馬抗跌盈利和強勁營運現金流在不明朗時 期最為明顯,以及企業价值倍值(EV/EBITDA)7倍估值仍遭低估,因此維持其“超越大市”評級,目標價為4令吉70仙。
雲頂大馬旗下名勝世界紐約(Resort World New York)在上週五開張營業,首日開業成功吸引近3萬名訪客,反應熱烈到名勝世界紐約需要求訪客在下週才到訪。
“隨著第一期工程開業,市場焦點現鎖定可能在未來2個月開業的第二期工程,其中第五大道賭場和康樂福賭場(Crockford Casino)預計設有2千515台視頻彩票終端機(Video Lottery Terminal),預計將為賭場惠顧帶來進一步提振。”
聯昌認為,名勝世界紐約賭場擁有策略性地點、亞洲聯繫與廣泛客戶基礎,以及新設施支撐,盈利前景非常可觀,而雲頂大馬抗跌盈利和強勁營運現金流在不明朗時 期最為明顯,以及企業价值倍值(EV/EBITDA)7倍估值仍遭低估,因此維持其“超越大市”評級,目標價為4令吉70仙。
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
1. Zimbabwe 234.10%
2. Japan 197.50%
3. Saint Kitts and Nevis 185.00%
4. Greece 142.80%
5. Lebanon 133.80%
6. Jamaica 126.50%
7. Iceland 126.10%
8. Italy 119.10%
9. Singapore 105.80%
10. Barbados 102.10%
美国目前排在第32名,因为他是全球GDP值最高的国家。日本虽然拥有庞大的债务,但是其国民拥有庞大的高储蓄,因此大部分债务皆由本土国民持有,尚不至 于立刻发生问题。新加坡虽然人均债务也是东南亚最高的,但是新加坡的债务,几乎全是私人企业向外国融资或在商业贸易信贷,而非政府外债,所以对海外投资者 来说,新加坡的公债还是本区域最具吸引力的,而且很多新加坡人都有透过公积金购买新加坡国债,所以问题不是那么严重。
1. United States $13,980 billion
2. European Union $13,720 billion
3. United Kingdom $8,981 billion
4. Germany $4,713 billion
5. France $4,698 billion
6. Japan $2,441 billion
7. Ireland $2,253 billion
8. Norway $2,232 billion
9. Italy $2,223 billion
10. Spain $2,166 billion
从上面的排名来看,外债最高的国家几乎都在欧洲(红字部分),也难怪会发生现在的欧债问题。至于日本的外债数额虽然庞大,但是从2010年的GDP($5474 billion)来看,其实不到45%。
从以下这个表来比较,马来西亚的国家外债是$72.6 billion(排名45),比起新加坡的$21.66 billion(排名70)还高。
1. Zimbabwe 234.10%
2. Japan 197.50%
3. Saint Kitts and Nevis 185.00%
4. Greece 142.80%
5. Lebanon 133.80%
6. Jamaica 126.50%
7. Iceland 126.10%
8. Italy 119.10%
9. Singapore 105.80%
10. Barbados 102.10%
美国目前排在第32名,因为他是全球GDP值最高的国家。日本虽然拥有庞大的债务,但是其国民拥有庞大的高储蓄,因此大部分债务皆由本土国民持有,尚不至 于立刻发生问题。新加坡虽然人均债务也是东南亚最高的,但是新加坡的债务,几乎全是私人企业向外国融资或在商业贸易信贷,而非政府外债,所以对海外投资者 来说,新加坡的公债还是本区域最具吸引力的,而且很多新加坡人都有透过公积金购买新加坡国债,所以问题不是那么严重。
1. United States $13,980 billion
2. European Union $13,720 billion
3. United Kingdom $8,981 billion
4. Germany $4,713 billion
5. France $4,698 billion
6. Japan $2,441 billion
7. Ireland $2,253 billion
8. Norway $2,232 billion
9. Italy $2,223 billion
10. Spain $2,166 billion
从上面的排名来看,外债最高的国家几乎都在欧洲(红字部分),也难怪会发生现在的欧债问题。至于日本的外债数额虽然庞大,但是从2010年的GDP($5474 billion)来看,其实不到45%。
从以下这个表来比较,马来西亚的国家外债是$72.6 billion(排名45),比起新加坡的$21.66 billion(排名70)还高。
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Resort World New York的功课3
Resort World New York的功课3
Shortly after 1 p.m., when the doors of New York City’s first casino, next to the Aqueduct racetrack in Queens, opened to the public, Kim Franklin, 45, from East New York, Brooklyn, brushed past a security guard, extended both arms to ensure that no one behind her in line could pass and broke into a jog as she approached the escalators.
“Oh, my God,” she said as the flashing lights of video slot machines came into view. “I don’t even know where to go.”
The opening came about an hour after a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Resorts World Casino New York City that included company executives and elected officials talking up the economic benefits of the South Ozone Park site — the company says it will generate up to $1.5 million a day for the state — and ended with the release of 100 doves and a trumpet rendition of the “Rocky” theme. Then the crowds that had braved the morning chill were finally allowed inside, where four escalators connected the front doors to the main casino area. Three funneled guests up to the slot machines. Only one allowed them to come back down to exit.
Though the Elvis impersonator near the entrance insisted it “felt like Vegas” when he walked inside, the facility might look out of place on Nevada’s famous Strip.
Across the street from its parking lot on Friday, residents gardened in the yards of their single-family homes, many of which were festooned with gnomes or Halloween decorations. Inside the casino, to remain in accordance with state rules that prevent human-operated table games, visitors gambled in the company of a mechanized staff. At the baccarat tables, a long robotic arm dealt the cards. Guests shot craps using two fingers and a touch screen. And a roulette game was supervised by a chesty cyber-woman who leaned forward immodestly as she spun the little white ball on a pixilated wheel.
Some touches are deliberately local. Images of the city skyline splash across the casino’s walls. Areas are named for Times Square, Fifth Avenue and Central Park. Even some of the slot machines exhibit regional flair, like “N.Y. Gold,” “Wall Street Winner,” and a “Sex and the City” themed game.
Danny Falcicchio, 65, from nearby Howard Beach, won a $2,084 jackpot on the Wall Street machine, though a technical glitch delayed his payment for more than 40 minutes.
“I can walk here,” he marveled, chuckling as he sipped a drink. “That’s dangerous.”
Ms. Franklin, who took Friday off from her job as a principal’s secretary, harbored no such reservations. As she entered the casino, she received a call from a friend seeking an early review.
“Girl, I am in the casino,” Ms. Franklin said, raising her voice with each word. “I was the first one in the building.” Within minutes, Ms. Franklin was celebrating a $4 profit at a pirate-themed penny slot machine and contemplating her first drink order.
Near the bar area, replete with a 28-by-18-foot video screen, Richie Santa, the Elvis impersonator, was joined by imitators of Tina Turner and Lady Gaga. The latter said little, wearing a dress of playing cards. The former told passers-by that they were “simply the best,” interrupting herself occasionally to ask, of no one in particular, “Tell me something: What’s love got to do with it?”
For some of the thousands who showed up, Friday’s opening was less a celebration than a scouting visit. Elliott Simmons, 81, from Jamaica, Queens, said he had not yet gambled because he had to “learn the machines” first. He could afford to pace himself, he said, since he planned to visit about once a week.
“I usually go to Atlantic City,” Mr. Simmons said, unzipping a black pouch with membership cards from a half-dozen casinos. “But this is beautiful.”
He was proof, Mr. Simmons added, that the establishment would translate to “money coming in for the city.”
Did it bother him, he was asked, that it might be his money?
“This joint is nice,” he said, picking at the wisps of white hair on his chin. “And I win sometimes.”
An Elvis impersonator pretends he's playing the slot machine as he entertain patrons at the Aqueduct racino.
Shortly after 1 p.m., when the doors of New York City’s first casino, next to the Aqueduct racetrack in Queens, opened to the public, Kim Franklin, 45, from East New York, Brooklyn, brushed past a security guard, extended both arms to ensure that no one behind her in line could pass and broke into a jog as she approached the escalators.
“Oh, my God,” she said as the flashing lights of video slot machines came into view. “I don’t even know where to go.”
The opening came about an hour after a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Resorts World Casino New York City that included company executives and elected officials talking up the economic benefits of the South Ozone Park site — the company says it will generate up to $1.5 million a day for the state — and ended with the release of 100 doves and a trumpet rendition of the “Rocky” theme. Then the crowds that had braved the morning chill were finally allowed inside, where four escalators connected the front doors to the main casino area. Three funneled guests up to the slot machines. Only one allowed them to come back down to exit.
Though the Elvis impersonator near the entrance insisted it “felt like Vegas” when he walked inside, the facility might look out of place on Nevada’s famous Strip.
Across the street from its parking lot on Friday, residents gardened in the yards of their single-family homes, many of which were festooned with gnomes or Halloween decorations. Inside the casino, to remain in accordance with state rules that prevent human-operated table games, visitors gambled in the company of a mechanized staff. At the baccarat tables, a long robotic arm dealt the cards. Guests shot craps using two fingers and a touch screen. And a roulette game was supervised by a chesty cyber-woman who leaned forward immodestly as she spun the little white ball on a pixilated wheel.
Some touches are deliberately local. Images of the city skyline splash across the casino’s walls. Areas are named for Times Square, Fifth Avenue and Central Park. Even some of the slot machines exhibit regional flair, like “N.Y. Gold,” “Wall Street Winner,” and a “Sex and the City” themed game.
Danny Falcicchio, 65, from nearby Howard Beach, won a $2,084 jackpot on the Wall Street machine, though a technical glitch delayed his payment for more than 40 minutes.
“I can walk here,” he marveled, chuckling as he sipped a drink. “That’s dangerous.”
Ms. Franklin, who took Friday off from her job as a principal’s secretary, harbored no such reservations. As she entered the casino, she received a call from a friend seeking an early review.
“Girl, I am in the casino,” Ms. Franklin said, raising her voice with each word. “I was the first one in the building.” Within minutes, Ms. Franklin was celebrating a $4 profit at a pirate-themed penny slot machine and contemplating her first drink order.
Near the bar area, replete with a 28-by-18-foot video screen, Richie Santa, the Elvis impersonator, was joined by imitators of Tina Turner and Lady Gaga. The latter said little, wearing a dress of playing cards. The former told passers-by that they were “simply the best,” interrupting herself occasionally to ask, of no one in particular, “Tell me something: What’s love got to do with it?”
For some of the thousands who showed up, Friday’s opening was less a celebration than a scouting visit. Elliott Simmons, 81, from Jamaica, Queens, said he had not yet gambled because he had to “learn the machines” first. He could afford to pace himself, he said, since he planned to visit about once a week.
“I usually go to Atlantic City,” Mr. Simmons said, unzipping a black pouch with membership cards from a half-dozen casinos. “But this is beautiful.”
He was proof, Mr. Simmons added, that the establishment would translate to “money coming in for the city.”
Did it bother him, he was asked, that it might be his money?
“This joint is nice,” he said, picking at the wisps of white hair on his chin. “And I win sometimes.”
Hundreds of would-be gamblers swarmed the Resort World Casino New York City in Ozone Park, Queens at its grand opening on Friday.
云顶纽约赌场开幕 放眼明年销售达25亿
云顶集团(Genting Group)在美国纽约市当地的首座赌场,终在当地时间28日(周五)开幕,预计明年销售额达8亿美元(约24.6亿令吉),每年至少奉献5亿美元(约15.4亿令吉)税款给州政府。
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