CLSA Feng Shui Chart For 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
CLSA Feng Shui Chart For 2013
CLSA Feng Shui Chart
Friday, February 1, 2013
Time to quit our job?
1) The middle class is dead. A few weeks ago I visited a friend of mine who manages a trillion dollars. No joke. A trillion. If I told you the name of the family he worked for you would say, “they have a trillion? Really?” But that’s what happens when $10 million compounds at 2 percent over 200 years. He said, “look out the windows.” We looked out at all the office buildings around us. “What do you see?” he said. “I don’t know.” “They’re empty! All the cubicles are empty. The middle class is being hollowed out.” And I took a closer look. Entire floors were dark. Or there were floors with one or two cubicles but the rest empty. “It’s all outsourced, or technology has taken over for the paper shufflers,” he said. “Not all the news is bad,” he said. “More people entered the upper class than ever last year.” But, he said, more people are temp staffers than ever. And that’s the new paradigm. The middle class has died. The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam. And it was. The biggest provider of mortgages for the past 50 years, Fannie Mae, had as their slogan, “We make the American Dream come true.” It was just a marketing slogan all along. How many times have I cried because of a marketing slogan. And then they ruined it.
2) You’ve been replaced. Technology, outsourcing, a growing temp staffing industry, productivity efficiencies, have all replaced the middle class. The working class. Most jobs that existed 20 years ago aren’t needed now. Maybe they never were needed. The entire first decade of this century was spent with CEOs in their Park Avenue clubs crying through their cigars, “how are we going to fire all this dead weight?” 2008 finally gave them the chance. “It was the economy!” they said. The country has been out of a recession since 2009. Four years now. But the jobs have not come back. I asked many of these CEOs: did you just use that as an excuse to fire people, and they would wink and say, “let’s just leave it at that.” I’m on the board of directors of a temp staffing company with $600 million in revenues. I can see it happening across every sector of the economy. Everyone is getting fired. Everyone is toilet paper now. Flush.
3) Corporations don’t like you. The executive editor of a major news publication took me out to lunch to get advice on how to expand their website traffic. But before I could talk he started complaining to me: “Our top writers keep putting their twitter names in their posts and then when they get more followers they start asking for raises.” “What’s the problem?” I said. “Don’t you want writers that are popular and well-respected?” When I say a “major news publication” I am talking MAJOR. He said, “no, we want to be about the news. We don’t want anyone to be an individual star.” In other words, his main job was to destroy the career aspirations of his most talented people, the people who swore their loyalty to him, the people who worked 90 hours a week for him. If they only worked 30 hours a week and were slightly more mediocre he would’ve been happy. But he doesn’t like you. He wants you to stay in the hole and he will throw you a meal every once in awhile in exchange for your excrement. If anyone is a reporter out there and wants to message me privately I will tell you who it was. But basically, it’s all of your bosses. Every single one of them.
4) Money is not happiness. A common question during my Twitter Q&A, asked at least once a week, is “should I take the job I like or should I take the job that pays more money.” Leaving aside the question of “should I take a job at all,” let’s talk about money for a second. First, the science: studies show that an increase in salary only offers marginal to zero increase in “happiness” above a certain level. Why is this? Because of this basic fact: people spend what they make. If your salary increases $5,000 you spend an extra $2000 on features for your car, you have an affair, you buy a new computer, a better couch, a bigger TV, and then you ask, “where did all the money go?” Even though you needed none of the above now you need one more thing: another increase in your salary, so back to the corporate casino for one more try at the salary roulette wheel. I have never once seen anyone save the increase in their salary. In other words, don’t stay at the job for safe salary increases over time. That will never get you where you want – freedom from financial worry. Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind.
5) Count right now how many people can make a major decision that can ruin your life. I don’t like it when one person can make or break me. A boss. A publisher. A TV producer. A buyer of my company. At any one point I’ve had to kiss ass to all of the above. I hate it. I will never do it again. The way to avoid this is to diversify the things you are working on so no one person or customer or boss or client can make a decision that could make you rich or destroy you or fulfill your life’s dreams or crush them. I understand it can’t happen in a day. Start planning now how to create your own destiny instead of allowing people who don’t like you to control your destiny. When you do this count, make sure the number comes to over 20. Then when you spin the wheel the odds are on your side that a winning number comes up.
6) Is your job satisfying your needs? I will define “needs” the way I always do, via the four legs of what I call “the daily practice.” Are your physical needs, your emotional needs, your mental needs, and your spiritual needs being satisfied? The only time I’ve had a job that did was when I had to do little work so that I had time on the side to either write, or start a business, or have fun, or spend time with friends. The times when I haven’t is when I was working too hard, dealing with people I didn’t like, getting my creativity crushed over and over, and so on. When you are in those situations you need to plot out your exit strategy. Your hands are not made to type out memos. Or put paper through fax machines. Or hold a phone up while you talk to people you dislike. A hundred years from now your hands will rot like dust in your grave. You have to make wonderful use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so they can make magic. One can argue, “not everyone is entitled to have all of those needs satisfied at a job.” That’s true. But since we already know that the salary of a job won’t make you happy, you can easily modify lifestyle and work to at least satisfy more of your needs. And the more these needs are satisfied the more you will create the conditions for true abundance to come into your life. Your life is a house. Abundance is the roof. But the foundation and the plumbing need to be in there first or the roof will fall down, the house will be unlivable. You create the foundation by following the Daily Practice. I say this not because I am selling anything but because it worked for me every time my roof caved in. My house has been bombed, my home has been cold and blistering winds gave me frost bite, but I managed to rebuild. This is how I did it.
7) Your Retirement Plan is For Shit. I don’t care how much you set aside for your 401k. It’s over. The whole myth of savings is gone. Inflation will carve out the bulk of your 401k. And in order to cash in on that retirement plan you have to live for a really long time doing stuff you don’t like to do. And then suddenly you’re 80 and you’re living a reduced lifestyle in a cave and can barely keep warm at night. The only retirement plan is to Choose Yourself. To start a business or a platform or a lifestyle where you can put big chunks of money away. Some people can say, “well, I’m just not an entrepreneur.” This is not true. Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure. Or be an entrepreneur at work. An “entre-ployee.” Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Deliver some value, any value, to anybody, to somebody, and watch that value compound into a career. What is your other choice? To stay at a job where the boss is trying to keep you down, will eventually replace you, will pay you only enough for you to survive, will rotate between compliments and insults so you stay like a fish caught on the bait as he reels you in. Is that your best other choice? You and I have the same 24 hours each day. Is that how you will spend yours?
8) Excuses. ”I’m too old.” “I’m not creative.” “I need the insurance.” “I have to raise my kids.” I was at a party once. A stunningly beautiful woman came up to me and said, “James, how are you!?” WHAT? Who are you? I said, “Hey! I’m doing well.” But I had no idea who I was talking to. Why would this woman be talking to me? I was too ugly. It took me a few minutes of fake conversation to figure out who she was. It turns out she was the frumpish-looking woman who had been fired six months earlier from the job we were at. She had cried as she packed up her cubicle when she was fired. She was out of shape, she looked about 30 years older than she was, and now her life was going to go from better to worse. Until…she realized that she was out of the zoo. In the George Lucas movie, THX-1138 (the name of the main character was “THX-1138″) everyone’s choices are removed and they all live underground because above ground is “radioactive.” Finally THX decides better to die above ground than suffer forever underground where he wasn’t allowed to love. He wasn’t free. He makes his way above ground, evading all the guards and police. And when he gets there, it’s sunny. Everyone above ground is beautiful, and they are waiting for him with open arms and kisses. The excuse “but it’s radioactive out there!” was just there to keep him down. “This is easy for you to say,” people say to me. “Some of us HAVE to do this!” The now-beautiful woman had to do it also. “What are you doing now?” I asked her. “Oh, you know,” she said. “Consulting.” But some people say, “I can’t just go out there and consult. What does that even mean?” And to that I answer, “Ok, I agree with you.” Who am I to argue? If someone insists they need to be in prison even though the door is unlocked then I am not going to argue. They are free to stay in prison.
9) It’s okay to take baby steps. ”I can’t just QUIT!” people say. “I have bills to pay.” I get it. Nobody is saying quit today. Before a human being runs a marathon they learn to crawl, then take baby steps, then walk, then run. Then exercise every day and stay healthy. Then run a marathon. Heck, what am I even talking about? I can’t run more than two miles without collapsing in agony. I am a wimp. Make the list right now. Every dream. I want to be a bestselling author. I want to reduce my material needs. I want to have freedom from many of the worries that I have succumbed to all my life. I want to be healthy. I want to help all of the people around me or the people who come into my life. I want everything I do to be a source of help to people. I want to only be around people I love, people who love me. I want to have time for myself. THESE ARE NOT GOALS. These are themes. Every day, what do I need to do to practice those themes? It starts the moment I wake up: “Who can I help today?” I ask the darkness when I open my eyes. “Who would you have me help today?” I’m a secret agent and I’m waiting for my mission. Ready to receive. This is how you take baby steps. This is how eventually you run towards freedom.
10) Abundance will never come from your job. Only stepping out of the prison imposed on you from your factory will allow you to achieve abundance. You can’t see it now. It’s hard to see the gardens when you are locked in jail. Abundance only comes when you are moving along your themes. When you are truly enhancing the lives of the people around you. When every day you wake up with that motive of enhancement. Enhance your family, your friends, your colleagues, your clients, potential customers, readers, people who you don’t even know yet but you would like to know. Become a beacon of enhancement and then, when the night is gray, all of the boats will move towards you, bringing their bountiful riches. – Don’t believe me. Stay with a boss that hates you. A job that is keeping you locked on a chain around your neck, tantalizing you with incremental increases in pay and job title. Stay in a culture that is quietly replacing the entire middle class. This is not anyone’s fault. These are the tectonic plates of economics destroying an entire suburban culture that has lasted for almost 100 years. Until you choose yourself for success, and all that choice entails, you will be locked into the prison. You will stare into your lover’s eyes looking for a sign that he or she loves you back. But slowly the lights will fade, the warmth of another body will grow cold, and you will go to sleep dreamless in the dark once again.
Taken from :
我的股票Portfolio 01.02.2013
2。买入Silver, hold 3年或以上。日本也开始大量印钱贬值,未来全世界的货币战争开始爆发。
2。买入Silver, hold 3年或以上。日本也开始大量印钱贬值,未来全世界的货币战争开始爆发。
KLSE i3 stock pick
曹仁超表示,港股于2008年见底后,若由2009年开始踏入牛市一期计算,港股于2009年10月左右已完成牛市一期,及后资金开始在不同板块炒 作,是为牛市二期,亦即慢牛期。随着恒指近日逼近24000点水平,预料牛市二期也将确认完结,朝着牛市三期,也就是什么都升(Everything Grows)的时期进发。
事实上,自去年12月开始,香港、美国及中国股市均显著向好。曹仁超指出,内地股市于去年12月才开始见底回升,故相信只是刚踏入牛市或牛市二期; 美国股市则在量化宽松货币政策下,继续支撑下去,但实际情况只可称为“好也好不了,坏也坏不了”,故资金已开始由美国流走,移至本港甚至欧洲国家;因此, 本港由去年12月至今,也一直录得资金流入。
正当美国财政悬崖忧虑暂时消失;加上资金继续由美国流向本港以至欧洲各国,恒指已直迫24000点水平。理论上,本港牛市二期也近乎完结。曹仁超相 信,港股已朝牛市三期进发。并谓踏入牛市三期后,愈落后的股份愈有炒作,故此时即使被称为“猫狗股”的四五六线股份,也会有炒作空间;值得留意的板块包括 工业股、资源股、钢铁股、铝业股及航运股等落后股。
不过,曹仁超也提醒,若以波浪理论去分析,目前恒指完成第二个浪,但相信第三个上升浪若能于今年4月或5月稍作回落,预料今年将出现第四及第五浪, 恒指目标为30000点;然而,若第三个升浪恒指未有回吐,而一直上升至9月左右,恒指目标则为27000点,但升浪将于暑假后完成,暑假后要开始留意, 恐防10月前将有大调整。无论如何,曹仁超形容,今年上半年港股就如处于安全区(Security Zone),大家照炒可也。
曹仁超表示,港股于2008年见底后,若由2009年开始踏入牛市一期计算,港股于2009年10月左右已完成牛市一期,及后资金开始在不同板块炒 作,是为牛市二期,亦即慢牛期。随着恒指近日逼近24000点水平,预料牛市二期也将确认完结,朝着牛市三期,也就是什么都升(Everything Grows)的时期进发。
事实上,自去年12月开始,香港、美国及中国股市均显著向好。曹仁超指出,内地股市于去年12月才开始见底回升,故相信只是刚踏入牛市或牛市二期; 美国股市则在量化宽松货币政策下,继续支撑下去,但实际情况只可称为“好也好不了,坏也坏不了”,故资金已开始由美国流走,移至本港甚至欧洲国家;因此, 本港由去年12月至今,也一直录得资金流入。
正当美国财政悬崖忧虑暂时消失;加上资金继续由美国流向本港以至欧洲各国,恒指已直迫24000点水平。理论上,本港牛市二期也近乎完结。曹仁超相 信,港股已朝牛市三期进发。并谓踏入牛市三期后,愈落后的股份愈有炒作,故此时即使被称为“猫狗股”的四五六线股份,也会有炒作空间;值得留意的板块包括 工业股、资源股、钢铁股、铝业股及航运股等落后股。
不过,曹仁超也提醒,若以波浪理论去分析,目前恒指完成第二个浪,但相信第三个上升浪若能于今年4月或5月稍作回落,预料今年将出现第四及第五浪, 恒指目标为30000点;然而,若第三个升浪恒指未有回吐,而一直上升至9月左右,恒指目标则为27000点,但升浪将于暑假后完成,暑假后要开始留意, 恐防10月前将有大调整。无论如何,曹仁超形容,今年上半年港股就如处于安全区(Security Zone),大家照炒可也。
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
判断回档时机,是决定何时该获利了结的关键。如果某只股票已经连续上涨了一阵子,今天开盘时再度大幅上扬,但尾盘时股价竟出乎意料之外地以下跌做收,或是 虎头蛇尾表现软趴趴的,这可不是一个好现象。如果股价连续两天都如此表现,投资人就要多加留意了,这通常是股价即将回档的征兆。
判断回档时机,是决定何时该获利了结的关键。如果某只股票已经连续上涨了一阵子,今天开盘时再度大幅上扬,但尾盘时股价竟出乎意料之外地以下跌做收,或是 虎头蛇尾表现软趴趴的,这可不是一个好现象。如果股价连续两天都如此表现,投资人就要多加留意了,这通常是股价即将回档的征兆。
投资人问: 买到一只连涨5天的个股真的是很开心。但是,它今天终于出现了第一天的回档,虽然只是小跌,却仍然让我担心,有点想获利了结了,究竟该怎么做呢?伤脑筋啊! 谁说赚了钱的人就没有烦恼?当你手中的股票开始连续性的大涨,反而让人忧心忡忡,究竟该不该卖了呢? 卖得太早真会遗憾终生,怎么会那么沉不住气;卖得太晚,到了手的鸟儿又飞了,变成终生遗憾了! 原则上,买到这种股票能拖就拖,要在真正开始下跌的时候才做了结。开始回跌的第一天,只要收盘价跌幅没有超过7%,不必急着卖出。因为有许多这种连续性大 涨的股票,涨个几天后,会突然回跌一天,正如一个人跑了一大段路后必须停下来喘口气一般。但是,就有许多人会在这个喘息的时候慌忙出手,眼见花落别人家, 那种滋味很不好受。 是否真正该卖的关键时刻要看第二天。如果经过第一天的下跌,第二天开盘后也并无起色,而且估计在收盘之前跌势无法扭转,为了保存战果,这时就可以挂出了。 用功的你可能又要举手发问:“前面为什么要提到跌幅不能超过7%呢?” 由我过去抽样150家个股的长期追踪统计显示,一只个股只要在连续上涨了3天之后,如果突然出现7%以上的大幅回档,下面它能继续上冲的几率马上减少为39%。而在熊市中,这个比率更是会掉到只剩18%。 统计数字极为有趣而且清晰易懂,它提醒我们,任何股票只要出现了单日的大跌,即使本身未出问题,也会对原本正在上升中的趋势造成伤害。 既然如此,对喜欢做短线的人而言,这时或许就可以先落袋为安了。 |
投资人问: 这半年来行情一路飙升,我的几位好友因为进场够早,已成了小富婆了。我则是一直没买,坦白说,内心还真不是滋味呢!一个月前,终于急了,很想炒个短线,至少也要赚点小钱, 这样心态才会平衡。 没想到,一连买进了五只个股,竟神准到只只一买就套,其中两只更已经大跌超过了20%。现在,每天除了感叹自己没有赚钱的命,也开始怀疑短线操作是否真的需要具备特殊的本领或是天赋的资质? 你的遭遇的确值得同情,希望现在教你这招短线操作的防身术不算太晚! 既然是玩短线,买进后一两天的股价表现当然希望是只能涨不能跌的。但是,长期观察下来,能够“一买就赚”的人很少,而“一买就套”的人太多,相当讽刺。 为什么呢?很简单,只因为你是个“正常人”!我在股市中有一句名言:“正常人”在股市中是赚不到钱的! 正常人总会在股市沸腾,某只强势个股已经大涨了一段的时候,也兴起了赶紧去分一杯羹的贪念,想抢个短差。由于是追高,遇上拉回的几率当然很高。另外一种极端情况是,去挑些股价相对便宜的弱势股,安慰自己是买在“低档”。这两种买进都很容易让你一买就套! 提醒大家,短线操作绝对要有技术,其中最基本的就是要遵守老手们都很注意的“三日原则”,这样才能将短线风险压低,进而增加胜率。 根据统计,真正的强势股大都能在3天之内不断创下新高价,也就是说,必须一鼓作气才能维持上冲的动能。同理,股价一旦拉回,若是无法在3天之内重新站上拉回前的高点,开始出现整理甚至是反转为弱势的几率就大大提高了。 好了,这就是所谓的“三日原则”! 记得哦,无论是在什么价位买进的,3天之内假若都还住在“套房”里,最好先跑一趟,再试试别的个股吧! 没有三两三,怎敢上梁山!想玩短线,可没这么容易。 迟到总比不到好。 |
胡立阳股票投资100招-第47招 别人在担心,我就很放心
胡立阳股票投资100招-第47招 别人在担心,我就很放心
投资人问: 我在两三年前曾经看过胡老师一本有关生涯规划的书——《年轻人开创前程100招》,其中有一篇的主题是,“人生的舞台充满竞争,面临抉择,只有比别人果决,才能抢得先机”,真是一语惊醒梦中人。我凡事一向拖拖拉拉、犹豫不决。 自从踏入股市之后,更是被这种个性搞惨了!东想西想的结果是该买没买,该卖没卖,赔得天昏地暗。老师在书中讲述“在大海中当机立断地放弃了游泳圈再游回岸边”的故事相当扣人心弦。现在若将大海换成股海,遇上我们这种做不出买卖决定的人不知是否也有建议?感谢!感谢! 当你心中已“决定”要买进时,股价涨幅一旦超过当天开盘价的1%,立刻买进。反之,当你心中“决定”要卖出时,股价低于开盘价的1%,马上出手。不要想等高一点才卖或是低一点才买,因为据统计,事与愿违的几率比较高! 相信很多投资人都常有这种经验,就是虽然在家里做好了买或卖的决定,但是,一进到证券公司的营业厅,看到股价的变动与理想背道而驰,就不知如何是好了。 要避免这种三心二意的情况,“百分之一设定法”相当有效。这个原则是这样的:当你心中“决定”要买进某只股票时,如果当时股价已经涨过了开盘价1%时,立刻毫不迟疑地买进。 反之,如果心里已“决定”要卖出这只股票,而价格也已经跌过了开盘价的1%,马上卖出,不要再寄望会反弹回来。 举个例子,甲股票昨天收盘价是30元,今天也是以30元开盘,你就先盘算一下,1%是3毛钱。因此,看到股价一突破30.3元时,应立即买进;而想卖出,则在股价跌破29.7元时趁早了结,免得因小失大。 运用这套方法,可以促使你当机立断地做出买进或卖出的决定。而且,根据统计,经过了“百分之一设定法”的过滤,大大提高了决定买进或者卖出的正确几率。 另外一个方法是,每当行情陷于胶着,我也常会耐心地等待股价突破或跌落上周最高、最低价位,才来做出买卖的决定。 如果本周的股价已经突破上周的最高收盘价,这常表示买气旺盛,可能是好的买点。反之,一旦股价已跌破上周最低收盘价,会表示卖潮汹涌,最好穿上溜冰鞋立即开溜。 运用这套方法来进出,同样可提高胜算! 有了“百分之一设定法”再加上观察“上周高低价位”,令人头疼的买卖决定会一下子变得容易多了。你说是吗? |
Thursday, January 24, 2013
王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀

先恭喜你當了爸爸,也讓我當了阿公!更恭喜的是,今年你從美國的 大學畢業回國後,兩個月前找到你的第一份正式工作。你找到工作, 我比你更興奮,因為「總是有一個開始了!」
其實,除了興奮,我還有一些愧疚,因為是我親自訂了王品的非親條 款,才讓你和妹妹沒辦法進集團任職。但我很堅定地相信,過了這個 陣痛期,你一定會更加成長。
記得你剛上班的第一個禮拜,就發了高燒,但我也不敢過分關心,更 不敢要你請假休息,因為職場上有標準、有態度,更有責任;我能做 的只有叮嚀你多喝水。雖然我捨不得,但這就是工作要磨練你的地方 ,愈是辛苦,你愈要告訴自己:「好啊!正是我濃縮學習的時候!」
你去美國的時候,我訂了二十二條守則,包括要你花光每個月的零用 錢,把錢拿去開拓視野、廣交朋
第一,會說也要會做。我看過太多年輕人眼高手低,這是對他最大的 傷害。例如,履歷上把自己的經歷說得天花亂墜,但真的問他,又舉 不出一個像樣的代表作。職場上,表達能力要強,但不能吹牛啊!我 寧願你一開始「惦惦」(台語:安靜)就好。不過,過度謙虛也會顯 得矯情,所以「說多少,做多少」最符合中庸之道。
第二,要累積「人緣」,但不要算計「人脈」。交朋友最重要的是「 人緣」,不要動不動就講「人脈」,因為人脈只是「過水式」的友誼 ,太現實了!為人現實,絕對是你前途的殺手。
你將畢業時,曾在紐約以有限經費舉辦了一個「滷味Party」, 從中午十二點吃到晚上十二點,來了一百多人,從這點我相信你已經 懂得經營友誼。
第三,做人處世要輕物質、重情義。那種還沒賺到錢,就急著買包包 、車子的人,最被人討厭。切記,事業與人生最重要的基礎,就是人 緣,做事技巧與專業反而是其次,而有情有義的人,才會有人緣。
我看到很多優秀人才忙到睡在公司,這樣的人我是不用的,因為他連 自己的小孩都很少回家看,那我怎麼知道在緊要關頭,他會不會為了 功名利祿而背叛我。
第四,找到「永遠的事業」。與其把目標放在超越老爸,我更希望你 立志創業,找到一個可以永遠經營的事業。
對我來說,最高境界就是「三業一體」,職業、事業和志業全部結合 起來,這樣人生才會幸福。但創業急不來,我也是三十九歲才創業的 啊!記得一句話:「成功不是第一個出發的,而是最後一個倒下的! 」
第五,懂得衡量「犯錯」與「代價」間的關係。你記得你在高中時, 向一個印度人網購了一台筆記型電腦,花了一千美元嗎?我明知那是 假的,但還是借你新台幣五千元去買,果然你盼望了一個月都沒收到 。
你後來抱怨我「幹麼不早說!」但我就是要你自己去試,讓你付出代 價的錯誤,才能讓你成長。出了社會,我仍鼓勵你盡量嘗試,錯了也 沒關係,只是這個代價不可以讓你「再回首已是百年身」!
第六,要學到成功的精髓,不要只學到成功的副作用。什麼是副作用 ?就是動不動就去品酒、跑趴。現在在台灣,你不需要這樣交際應酬 ,也能做好一個事業。看到一個人成功,你應該去挖掘他成功前的努 力精神,而不要只看到人家成功後的浮華行為。
第七,學歷要永無止境。你大學畢業後,就決定回台工作,這是一個 負責任的決定,但我還是鼓勵你念到博士。因為學無止境,而且很少 有喜歡念書的人,會迷失在社會的大海中,就算迷失,也有智慧可以 很快游回來。
像我差點成為中常會(王品集團的決策中心)裡學歷最低的,所以趕 快到台大EMBA念書。而且,我還幫王品擬定一個十年計畫,希望 十年後王品員工大學畢業者可以達到九成,這樣可以鼓勵他們終身學 習,大家也可以變得更有氣質。
第八,不要踩著別人的肩膀往上爬。絕對不要這樣做,因為一定會被 人看不起,影響你一輩子的聲譽!我寧願你自己努力,一步一步往上 爬,我不在乎你打底期有多長,但一定要正當。
有多少壓力 就有多少潛力
第九,永遠過庶民的生活,不過貴族的生活。關於這點,其實我不太 擔心,因為前幾年,我去美國參加你的公證結婚,看到你和妻子為了 省錢,熬夜親手做捧花。我只是提醒你,未來也應該有這樣樸實的精 神,例如你買車,就不可以買得比老爸貴。
但你應適度投資在人緣上,有人說每天省一杯咖啡錢拿去投資,十年 可賺一百萬;我告訴你,如果這樣做,會拆掉與朋友互動的橋樑;哪 天有工作機會,朋友怎麼會介紹給你,說不定新工作一個月就差一萬 元了耶!
常常有年輕人問我,應該如何選工作?我的答案是,選一個「正派的 公司」就好,不要去管它大或小,因為大公司可以學制度,小公司可 以學獨立。但任何工作,都應該從基層磨練起,我很高興你現在的工 作很基層,領的薪水也很基本,這代表你可以學習得很完整。
也許你會開始感受到壓力,但有多少壓力,就有多少潛力!跟我當初 創業比起來,其實你算幸運的,至少你不用每天跑三點半,還必須還 出一億六千萬元。但如果沒有這種急迫的壓力,我的潛力無法被激發 ,可能也就沒有今天的王品集團。
兒子啊!老爸這一連串叮嚀,不是要你跟我一樣,畢竟要超越我,有 可能,但是會很累!我是希望你在不違背上述原則的情況下,勇敢、 自信地走出一條路,最好也有一套自己的風格。
有多少壓力 就有多少潛力
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