Tuesday, August 19, 2014


索罗斯基金管理公司向SEC提交的6月备案文件显示,索罗斯持有的做空标普500指数仓位增长了605%,达到22亿美元。(通过买入1129万份SPDR S&P看空期权实现)
Bullion Baron长期跟踪索罗斯标普仓位,他认为,索罗斯这一举动可能是为了避险(对冲),或者是索罗斯真的可能担心什么事情。Baron认为,一个可能的担心是中国,因为索罗斯今年早些时候将中国列为全球的不确定性因素。  

黃金的供應和需求分析(2014, Q2)





麦 嘉华(Marc Faber)也批評說:『对于2013年金价近30%的跌幅,黄金市场有很多理由,但“末日博士”麦嘉华则认为,这和媒体对黄金的负面宣传有关。 CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道)没人持有黄金,彭博也没人持有黄金,”麦嘉华说,“媒体就一直在说黄金不好,而美联储官员、经济学家们也都不持有黄 金。他们都在买股票。』

麦嘉华对媒体对黄金的报道态度不满,他说:『当人们谈论那些对金价持积极态度的人时,他们就被叫做‘黄金爱好者’(金甲虫gold bug),‘bug’是昆虫,我不会把爱好股票的人叫作虫子。所以这已经有负面的态度了。』


媒體說全球黄金需求和去年同期比下降16%至964吨,看似很嚴重,其實這是蓄意以不完整的【Table 2】數據來說的。

如果我們拿【Table 6】來看,全球黄金需求實際上是增加10%,而非下降16%。



Mine production:去年734.1噸;今年765.3噸;增加4%。
Net producer hedgingn:去年-15.1噸;今年50.0噸;-。
Total mine supply:去年719.0噸;今年815.3噸;增加13%。
Mine production:去年734.1噸;今年765.3噸;增加4%。
Recycled gold:去年260.7噸;今年262.7噸;增加1%。

Sub-total above fabrication:去年830.5噸;今年619.1噸;減少25%。
Total bar and coin demand:去年627.9噸;今年275.3噸;減少56%。
ETFs and similar:去年-402.2噸;今年39.9噸;-。
Central bank net purchases:去年92.1噸;今年117.8噸;減少28%。
OTC investment and stock flows:去年-168.6噸;今年105.7噸;減少25%。



如我以前所說,ETFs and similar出現增加,我們可以說是需求,但是它出現減少,卻不能納為減少需求,因為ETFs and similar的減少,其實只是把黃金兌現給持有其股票的相關人士而已。

所以調整ETFs and similar後,正確的供需應該是2013年第二季是1381.9噸,2014年第二季是1117.9噸,需求下跌19.1%。



如果最新連續6季調整ETFs and similar數據,6季的需求如下:
2013年第一季 1219.5噸
2013年第二季 1381.9噸
2013年第三季 1250.2噸
2013年第四季 1289.8噸
2014年第一季  1040.0噸
2014年第二季  1117.9噸




2013全年,世界黄金协会(WGC)統計的黃金需求是4,261噸,經ETFs and similar調整是5141噸,但是全球黃金提煉卻高達6000噸之多。

Monday, August 18, 2014

LBMA Silver Price Launches New Era in Pricing Precious Metals

LONDON, Aug. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, and Thomson Reuters, the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, have launched the new LBMA Silver Price mechanism in partnership with the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). CME Group, Thomson Reuters and LBMA have joined forces to provide the over-the-counter spot silver market with a new transaction-based price-setting mechanism for the LBMA Silver Price that is IOSCO-compliant and fully electronic. CME Group will provide the electronic auction platform on which the price will be calculated, Thomson Reuters will be responsible for administration and governance and the LBMA will accredit price participants. The new LBMA Silver Price benchmark will be published and distributed by Thomson Reuters and will be available on the LBMA's website.
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The London Silver Fix, most recently administered by London Silver Fixing Market Limited, which ceased operations as of August 14, was a global benchmark for 117 years. The new price setting mechanism developed by CME Group, Thomson Reuters and LBMA for establishing the over-the-counter spot silver price will ensure continuity for market participants via a transaction-based auction platform. It will continue to be London-based and will offer a fully IOSCO-compliant solution to the London bullion market. Deep industry engagement and broad market support leading up to the launch of this new benchmark should minimise disruptions and enable a seamless transition for the market.
"Through our existing relationships with market participants and the broader silver marketplace we are uniquely positioned to provide a seamless transition for the spot silver benchmark in London," said William Knottenbelt, Senior Managing Director at CME Group. "CME Group has a long and successful history of offering benchmark risk management and price discovery solutions for the global precious metals markets. With the recent launch of CME Europe, strong growth in CME Clearing Europe and the other recent announcements around our European growth strategy, the launch of the LBMA Silver Price adds another commodity benchmark service to our quickly growing suite of leading European services."
"This new system combines a robust and reliable pricing mechanism with strong governance, as well as transparency for all of its users," said Kris Carlson, Global Head of Metals, Thomson Reuters. "It also aims to involve as many of those users as possible – from miners to market makers. There is no fixed number of participants, and we look forward to welcoming many. We are combining continuity with innovation, ensuring not only that everyone continues to receive a reliable daily silver price through this transition to the new system, but also that they enjoy a greater understanding of how this process works by watching the auction live on their desktops, including via Thomson Reuters Eikon."
LBMA Chief Executive, Ruth Crowell said, "I am pleased that we have been able to deliver an on-time solution which meets the requirements of the London Silver Market. The new mechanism allows more direct participation and the automated auction feed ensures that the same real-time information is available to all participants and market users via numerous data vendors. The LBMA is grateful for all the market engagement and feedback it has received from market participants throughout the consultation, and in particular during the live-testing process."
As the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, CME Group (www.cmegroup.com) is where the world comes to manage risk.  CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes, including futures and options based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural commodities, metals, weather and real estate.  CME Group brings buyers and sellers together through its CME Globex electronic trading platform and its trading facilities in New York and Chicago.  CME Group also operates CME Clearing, one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, which offers clearing and settlement services across asset classes for exchange-traded contracts and over-the-counter derivatives transactions. These products and services ensure that businesses everywhere can substantially mitigate counterparty credit risk.           
The Globe Logo, CME Group, CME, Globex, CME Clearing Europe and Chicago Mercantile Exchange are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.  All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Further information about CME Group CME, +1.08% and its products can be found at www.cmegroup.com.
Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges. For more information, go to http://thomsonreuters.com/

睽違多時的曹Sir復出 教路投資五大守則!







Friday, August 15, 2014

合法化在即‧业者兴趣浓 云顶与环球影城洽建日赌场

(吉隆坡12日讯)日本赌场合法化在即,日本环球影城(USJco.)正与云顶(GENTING,3182,主板贸服股)、米高梅度假村国际(MGM Resorts International)及凯撒娱乐(Caesars)洽谈,联营赌场度假村。 该公司总执行长甘培尔接受彭博社访问时指出,赌场合法化将获政府批准,日本环球影城正与上述3单位洽谈,探讨合作联营赌场度假村的机会。 他说,该公司即有营运能力,又有经验,即便进步拓展业务,参与多过1项赌场度假村,也不会对公司财务造成负担。 “作为一家公司,我们也想要跳脱只局限在主题公园的局面。” 去年,日本赌场合法化消息传出,吸引全球赌场业者目光,包括云顶、米高梅及凯撒娱乐等。 料成亚洲第二大市场 业者纷纷表示对日本感兴趣,让该国有望成为澳门之后,亚洲第二大博彩市场。 但截至今年6月初,日本“开赌”议案没获国会优先讨论,导致日本赌场合法化陷不明朗。 不过,今年6月24日,日本内阁通过修订后的新经济成长战略,被誉为“安倍经济学”第三支箭的改革计划,重点之一是要让赌场合法化。 日本首相安倍晋三也透露,他领导的自民党将在国会秋季复会时,争取通过赌场合法化法案,以便振兴旅游业,为迎接2020年东京奥运会作好准备。 安倍当时接受彭博社访问时说,综合度假村发展计划预料将大力提振旅游业、区域经济和工业,可成为日本增长主要支柱之一。 东京成功获得2020年夏季奥运主办权之后,该国悬而未决长达10年的赌场合法化法案有望过关。 赌场度假村的发展计划,也吸引了日本最大游戏街机弹子机(俗称柏青哥)厂商之一世嘉飒美(SegaSammy),及游戏软件科乐美(Konami)公司的目光。 市政府伸出橄榄枝 日本赌场合法化在即,东京、横滨市、北海道、长崎市及冲绳市政府,都纷纷透露兴趣,欲吸引赌场入驻。 甘培尔接受访问时也指出,日本环球影城也放眼在东京、大阪和冲绳寻找有潜能的发展地点。 他透露,该公司甚至考虑在名护自然动植物公园(Neo ParkOkinawa)内,建立一个赌场度假村或新的主题公园。 或坐落大阪环球影城 此外,也有报道指出,为了赶上同样在酝酿新赌场的东京,大阪市政府与米高梅及凯撒娱乐等洽谈,以打造价值5000亿日元(约156.2亿令吉)的赌场度假村。 该赌场度假村很有可能就是坐落在距离日本环球影城仅3公里的人工填土岛屿上。 或通过外国子公司竞标 随着日本将赌场合法化,分析员认为,一直对区域扩展抱持开放态度的云顶,可能会通过云顶香港或云顶新加坡加入竞标。 云顶通过云顶新加坡发展的名胜世界圣淘沙,表现持续亮眼,赌场度假村中也有环球影城主题公园。 不过,分析员担忧,即便日本赌场获准,也将赶不上2020年东京奥运会。 立法、选择赌场地点和业者,都需要时间。且日本建筑领域届时会忙于兴建奥运设施,将面对建筑劳工短缺,面对地震风险,日本的建筑准则更加严谨,建筑活动不能加快。 除了开放赌场法案,分析员也说,日本赌场业务面对另一最大挑战就是税务问题。 激励云顶走高 云顶今日股价走势不错,闭市时报9.95令吉,扬3仙或0.3%,成交量达64万5800股;云顶马来西亚(GENM,4715,主板贸服股)则收报4.30令吉,跌1仙或0.23%,成交量为100万4900股。

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Corporate: Tin gets a new shine

The rise in tin prices signals a long-term recovery for the long-forgotten industry. The former CEO of Malaysia Smelting Corp explains what’s driving the new upcycle and what it will take for it to be sustainable.

Mohd Ajib Anuar looks tired and drained as he walks into the boardroom of Malaysia Smelting Corp (MSC). It is a muggy afternoon in Kuala Lumpur, and the Muslim fasting month has just started. But he snaps out of his languor as soon as he begins talking about tin, the metal that made fortunes for many Malaysian tycoons through most of the last century.

To be sure, the tin business has been viewed as something of a sunset industry since the mid-1980s. Yet, since the global financial crisis, tin prices have climbed steadily higher, amid a persistent supply deficit in the face of growing demand. Now, Mohd Ajib sees a new dawn breaking for the tin business. “Definitely. No question about it. The tin industry will grow into a more sustainable industry,” he tells The Edge Singapore.

Mohd Ajib, 64, has worked in the tin business for more than four decades. He was CEO of MSC from 1994 to 2013. The 127-year tin smelter is dual-listed in Singapore and Malaysia, and ranks as the world’s second largest producer of tin metal. It is controlled by The Straits Trading Company. Mohd Ajib isn’t planning to fade away into retirement, though. He has been appointed adviser to the board of MSC. He is also currently chairman of Malaysia’s Tin Industry Board, and continues to play an active role in a host of other tin industry organisations.

In fact, Mohd Ajib says he plans to remain active in the tin business for the next couple of decades, which he believes will be an exciting time for the industry. Specifically, he wants to help promising tin companies around the world realise their full potential, and hints that he is already working on “something big”.

His optimism is underpinned by the expanding uses of tin in recent years. Take the capsules on wine bottles for instance. The protective sleeves, which prevent the cork seals from being gnawed by rodents and other pests as they sit in cellars, were historically made of lead. But these were phased out due to fears of lead poisoning, and are now largely made of tin or aluminium.

In May, tin research promoter ITRI launched a committee to push for the use of pure tin capsules for premium wines at an exhibition in Hong Kong. “It’s the best capsule for the best wine. It’s non-toxic. The mechanical quality is good. The chemical quality is good. It looks very nice,” says Mohd Ajib, laughing at his own enthusiasm.

There are, of course, many other new and less mundane uses of tin. Notably, environmentally friendly uses of tin have been discovered through collaborative research by ITRI and companies such as Panasonic, Sony, Nokia and Motorola.

Today, tin chemicals are used in lithium ion batteries and modern fuel additives. According to Mohd Ajib, recent fuel additive trials in China and Peru achieved 10% to 15% energy savings for fishing boats and earth moving equipment, while carbon emissions were 20% to 30% lower. MSC’s own subsidiary Rahman Hydraulic Tin has been involved in work on tin-based fuel additives.

Riding new technologies

Tin has been in use for some 5,000 years, though it was first mined in large quantities in Cornwall, Britain in the 19th century. In the last few decades, the story of tin has been shaped by the ebb and flow of new technologies, and a succession of market crises.

In 1985, tin prices collapsed when the International Tin Council, which administers a buffer stock used to support prices, became insolvent. The council was borrowing heavily to keep prices high at a time when consumption was falling, which encouraged new producers such as Brazil and Bolivia to flood the market. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, production dried up as rich alluvial resources were exhausted. In 1995, global consumption was just 180,000 tonnes, driven mostly by tinplating. Tin prices at the time had declined to just US$5,000 a tonne.

Nearly 20 years on, consumption has doubled and the price of tin has risen to US$22,000 a tonne. In fact, tin prices have risen 100% in the last five years alone. One reason for this comeback was the switch by the electronics industry to lead-free solder following regulations in the European Union prohibiting hazardous wastes in 2002. Since then, the miniaturisation of devices such as computers and smartphones has resulted in less solder being used in the consumer electronics sector. Industries like healthcare and defence, however, are taking up some of the slack.

“The defence and medical sectors needed more time to establish the durability of the soldering materials. But now that it’s been confirmed by the consumer electronics sector, they are taking steps to convert to lead-free solders, and this is where we will see growth,” says Mohd Ajib. Even so, tin consumption last year was 350,000 tonnes, still below the peak of 370,000 tonnes in 2007, largely because of the global economic slowdown and the miniaturisation effect.

Looking ahead, Mohd Ajib figures demand for tin could keep growing as computers and electronic parts find their way into just about everything. The automobile sector, for instance, is increasingly using electronic parts in the vehicles it produces. “So, for tin to show further improvement in price, consumption and supply, it is not impossible. Some people say it will shoot up to US$40,000.” ITRI has forecast global tin consumption to rise at an annual rate of 2% over the next five to 10 years. Consumption is set to exceed 400,000 tonnes from around 2015.

Supply constraints

While demand for tin has been strong in recent years, supply has become more uncertain. For starters, China has turned from a net exporter to a net importer. That is significant as China is the world’s biggest producer and consumer of tin.

At the same time, supply from Indonesia, which is the world’s leading exporter of tin, has become more unpredictable. Small, artisanal miners account for more than 80% of tin produced in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has been trying to set standards in the industry, such as requiring that smelters produce 99.9% pure tin. It has also mandated that exports be made through the Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange. On top of that, the Indonesian government has tried to control the price of the metal.

The result of all this is that tin exports from Indonesia have become erratic. “Stocks held at LME [London Metal Exchange] and by consumers are at historical lows,” Mohd Ajib says. “So, with Indonesian supply declining and China becoming a net importer, the market is going to move into greater deficit within the next two to three years.”

While that could be good news for speculators, it isn’t really healthy for the tin industry over the longer term, according to Mohd Ajib. To foster higher consumption of tin over the long term, supply has to be sustainable and prices need to be steady. How can that be achieved? Mohd Ajib says the key is an industry-wide consolidation.

“Today, you have to buy from small-scale miners… but the global tin industry will undergo a major shift, transforming the supply structure from small-scale to more structured producers and a more sustainable way of production,” he says. The reason is that a significant amount of capital will be needed to create sufficient supply around the world, perhaps as much as US$3 billion ($3.7 billion) over the next five years. And, it is the largest tin companies that will be able to channel this capital efficiently into proper exploration and mining schemes and environmental programmes.

“It’s going to be more orderly. Of course, the cost will be higher, but the electronics industry will be happy to see sustainability on the supply side,” Mohd Ajib says. In fact, Mohd Ajib figures the price of tin will have to be higher than where it is today — perhaps US$30,000 per tonne — to sustain production at the level of demand. At current prices, only a handful of exploratory projects might be feasible, he says.

According to Mohd Ajib, among the companies that are best positioned to increase tin supply is Kasbah Resources, which has a project in Morocco. Other promising players are Australia’s Stellar Resources and Consolidated Tin Mines. Yet, it will take these projects three years to prove their reserves before they can start developing the mines. Amid continued supply constraints, ITRI has forecast a rise in tin prices to a cyclical peak of US$35,000 to US$40,000 between 2015 and 2017.

Growing interest

Mohd Ajib began his career at a Malaysian unit of Anglo American. He later worked for several years at Malaysia Mining Corp, which was involved in tin, diamond and gold mining. As he tells it, he entered the tin industry at the bottom of the cycle, when everyone else was trying to get out. And, it is not that he lacked alternatives, as he was offered jobs at big Malaysian government-linked companies such as Petroliam Nasional and Perbadanan Nasional during his early years. “But I stuck to tin,” he says.

What was the attraction? Mohd Ajib says the tin industry is small yet very global, and it put him in touch with people all over the world. “I just like this industry,” he says. “After 43 years, whether I am in Japan, Korea or the US, I have a lot of friends.” Now, Mohd Ajib is leveraging some of those global connections and becoming a dealmaker of sorts, bringing companies that need capital for expansion to investors. “I am working on something big. I have lots of friends all over the world. In London, I know all the big brokers,” he says.

Will some of the companies he’s dealing with come to Singapore to raise capital? For the moment, Mohd Ajib is keeping his cards close to his chest. Yet, Singapore is a natural hub for tin producers. More than 70% of Indonesia’s tin exports are sent here for warehousing and redistribution. Meanwhile, MSC itself counts several thousand retail investors in Singapore.

Yet, Hong Kong appears to have had the edge in attracting huge mining companies. In recent years, it has trumped Singapore by winning over the likes of United Company ­RUSAL, Glencore and Kazakhmys. Mohd Ajib says if Singapore is to become a listing venue for big resources companies, a lot more work has to be done to educate investors. “The resources business, whether it is tin or gold, is a long-term business,” he says. “The lead time to develop resources can vary from five to 15 years. So, for investors to go into resources, they have to take a long-term view. Otherwise, it gets too speculative.

Malaysia Smelting may reinstate dividend on improving earnings, but risks remain

Malaysia Smelting Corp’s facility in Penang sits on what could well be prime seafront land one day. Hidden behind concrete walls topped with barbed wire, and located close to the Penang Bridge, it started out more than a century ago processing tin ore from mines in Perak and Selangor. These days, MSC has a much wider global network. On a sunny afternoon in June, bags of tin ore from mines in Congo, Rwanda, Bolivia, Myanmar, China and Mongolia were piled chest high on the floor of the plant. Out in the yard, neat stacks of shiny tin ingots waiting to be shipped out gleamed in the sunlight.

Chua Cheong Yong, CEO of MSC, says the company’s financial results are regaining their shine too, thanks to a sharper focus on its traditional tin smelting business in the last couple of years. However, growing that business over the long term is becoming more difficult, because of the increasingly limited supply of tin ore.

Malaysia’s tin mining business pretty much died in the mid-1980s, amid a slump in tin prices just as the country’s once-rich alluvial deposits were almost exhausted. A decade ago, MSC began trying to move upstream to secure its own supply of tin ore. In 2002, it took a 75% stake in Indonesia’s PT Koba Tin, which has a mine on Bangka Island. Two years later, in 2004, it acquired Rahman Hydraulic Tin, which operates Malaysia’s largest open-pit alluvial tin mine.

MSC also made a bid to expand into other commodities. In 2007, it bought stakes in mines in Australia, Canada, Indonesia and the Philippines that produce copper, gold, zinc, silver, nickel and coal. Its timing couldn’t have been worse. The following year, commodity prices collapsed in the wake of the global financial crisis. In addition, the family of the late Tan Chin Tuan tightened their grip on The Straits Trading Company, which controls MSC, and embarked on a strategic review of the whole group.

MSC was directed to focus on tin, and it promptly began offloading the non-tin mining assets it had only just acquired. Then, in 2012, PT Koba Tin ran into trouble when it failed to extend its contract for work, in spite of renewal guarantees. The Indonesian government also hiked export duties on tin ore from 5% to 30%. MSC decided it wasn’t worth hanging on to PT Koba Tin, and sold its stake in June.

The silver lining is that the string of impairment losses that MSC suffered over the last few years will finally come to an end. “By June, we would have taken out most of the hit,” Chua tells The Edge Singapore. “Now, operations will be very much driven by smelting, marketing and trading and [tin] mines, which have shown resilience in riding the downturn. We need to build up confidence again.”

In 1Q2014, MSC reported a 2% decline in earnings to RM14.7 million on a 2% rise in revenue to RM429 million. The company hasn’t declared a dividend since 2012, but that could change soon. “We are looking to distribute dividends again,” says Chua. “In the short to medium term, we are looking to stabilisation. In the mid to long term, there is potential to develop.”

Expansion plans

How does Chua plan to grow the company? One idea is to broaden MSC’s business to include tantalum and tungsten, which are related to tin. “The market for tantalum and tungsten is one third or a quarter the size of tin, but their valuation is good. They occur together and share the same supply network. There is nothing to stop us from trading tantalum and tungsten since we have a strong marketing network in the Asia-Pacific,” he says. “They will support our mid- to long-term growth.”

Chua also wants to expand MSC’s tin mining operations. However, after its unpleasant experience in Indonesia, he says MSC will focus on Malaysia and “regionally accessible and more-friendly countries”. Notably, it has carefully nurtured Rahman Hydraulic Tin into a money spinner. The 107-year-old mine was losing money when MSC bought it a decade ago. Last year, it made RM34 million ($13.3 million) before tax, up 17%. Now, it is poised to grow bigger. In March, Rahman Hydraulic Tin acquired an 80% stake in SL Tin, which holds a mining concession in the state of Pahang.

MSC has also been laying the ground to secure mining concessions in the strife-torn Republic of Congo. While the United Nations has introduced sanctions to cut off funding to rebels fighting the government, MSC has initiated a scheme to certify non-conflict tin from the country. According to Chua, tin produced in Congo is now traceable each step of the way from source to smelter. MSC itself has been audited three times, the last audit being in May. MSC also owns a 40% stake in a smelting plant in Lubumbashi.

Much of Congo’s tin is produced by artisanal miners, who lack the resources to make big investments to increase production in an environmentally sustainable way. However, Chua is hoping the day will come when the Congo government allows big mining companies to gain access to its mineral resources. “Africa has huge potential if we get our strategy right and the government does not sway away from development,” he says.

Long-term risks

Chua joined MSC right out of university some 30 years ago. Among his earliest tasks at the company was buying tin ore from miners in Taiping, in the state of Perak. He worked his way up the ranks, and was appointed CEO on Dec 31 last year.

Looking ahead, Chua is candid about the risks MSC faces. While the company is working to secure as much supply of tin ore as possible, he says tin producing countries will eventually want to set up their own smelters and take control of their mines. “Resource nationalism is very real today,” Chua says. “We have to take a view on tin price and sovereign risk before we go into a project.”

Some market watchers also fear that MSC’s controlling shareholder has little appetite to fund major acquisitions. They point out that Australia-listed Kasbah Resources, which has the most advanced of tin projects in the pipeline, is currently trying to raise some US$100 million ($124.5 million) but failed to get MSC to come in as an investor. Kasbah Resources’ shareholders include International Finance Corp, Toyota Tsusho and Thai smelter Thaisarco.

When approached for comment, however, a spokeswoman for Straits Trading says the group wants to see MSC grow. “Straits Trading will support MSC in any initiatives that will create value for shareholders,” she tells The Edge Singapore. “Straits Trading will be supportive of MSC in its quest to enhance its position in the tin industry.”

Whatever the case, with MSC on the road to profitability and likely to reinstate its dividend, its shareholders are likely to see better times ahead. And, even if the company’s tin business doesn’t grow much, the land it occupies in Penang will certainly rise in value over time.

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Monday, August 11, 2014


  七、習慣:有個故事:一個富人送給窮人一頭牛,窮人滿懷希望地開始奮鬥,可是牛要吃草,人要吃飯,日子難熬,於是窮人把牛賣了,買了幾隻羊,吃了一 隻,盼着其他羊生小羊,可是小羊沒生出來,日子又艱難了,窮人只好賣了羊,買了雞,想讓雞生蛋,但是日子仍沒有改變,最後窮人把雞也殺了,又恢復了以前的 生活。一個投資專家說,富人成功的秘訣是:不管多麼困難,也不要動用投資和儲蓄,壓力會幫助你找到賺錢的辦法。

Friday, August 1, 2014

HONG LEONG INDUSTRIES (HLI MK) Tapping On The Growth Of Hume Cement

We are increasingly positive on the growth prospects of Hume Cement, underpinned by its plant’s improving efficiency and a potential doubling in production capacity to cater to more markets. Given the relatively lofty valuation in Narra, investing in Hume Cement through HLI (HLI investors to receive 1.08 Narra shares for every share held) could be a more attractive option. Upgrade HLI to BUY with a higher target price of RM7.95. WHAT’S NEW • Increasing target price to RM7.95. As we are more optimistic on the operational efficiency and utilisation rate of the Hume Cement plant 18 months after production commencement, we raise our forecast for Hume Cement’s 2015 net profit to RM70m (from RM55m) and thus Narra’s 2015 net profit forecast to RM80m. Pegging at a higher 18x of (previously 17x) 2015 PE for Narra, our SOTP target price for HLI is raised to RM7.95, from RM7.16. • To double cement production capacity in 2 years’ time. We understand Hume Cement’s plant utilisation rate has hit 82-85% and the company intends to double the capacity via Phase 2 expansion adjacent to its existing plant. This potential RM500m-600m expansion will see Hume Cement’s capacity surpassing that of some peers (potentially becoming the third-largest cement player) and improving its economies of scale. After ramping up its capacity, Hume Cement plans to penetrate the southern regional markets which it has yet to have a presence. And in the longer term, it may also consider moving downstream to the ready-mix cement market. • Potentially to use par value for share price adjustment. Separately, we understand that so far, Bursa seems to have no issue with HLI’s proposal to use the par value to adjust its share price to reflect the distribution of Narra shares to HLI shareholders (1.08 Narra shares for every HLI share). If so, after the shares go ex Narra distribution, HLI’s share price will be adjusted by RM1.08, which is significantly lower than the potential distribution value of Narra of >RM5/HLI share (based on Narra’s present valuation). STOCK IMPACT • Restructuring exercise expected to complete in end-September. Management is hopeful of completing the restructuring exercise by end-September. The company is currently waiting for the court’s approval for capital reduction and distribution. Hume Cement doing well in FY14. After achieved an impressive RM7.8m net profit in FY13 with only one quarter of official commissioning production, we understand Hume Cement is likely to achieve more than RM50m net profit in FY14. Moving into FY15, we believe the higher utilisation rate and gradual improvement in efficiency will allow Hume Cement to see further bottom-line improvement. Hume Cement’s good limestone reserves make it more efficient than peers who source for limestone externally. Our 2015 RM70m net profit forecast assumes 1.6m-tonne production and RM295/tonne net selling price. • Expecting sustainable earnings and dividend payout post restructuring. HLI’s earnings are sustainable or stronger in FY15-16, after stripping out Hume Cement’s ICPS and Hume Concrete. We expect better prospects from its other building material segments (significant turnaround at Guocera tiles division as well as additional capacity and better pricing in the fibreboard business) to offset the exclusion of Hume Concrete’s earnings from the group. In addition, Hume Cement currently does not contribute any earnings to HLI’s bottom line, with the exception of dividend income from the ICPS. • Prospective dividend yield of 4.7-5.2%. While there is no formal dividend policy, management guided that HLI will continue paying out at least 50-55% of its earnings (FY15F DPS of 27-30 sen). This implies a prospective yield of 4.7-5.2% after HLI’s share price goes-ex, assuming a RM1.08 share price adjustment. EARNINGS REVISION • No change to our earnings forecasts but we increase Narra’s 2015 net profit forecast by 23%. VALUATION/RECOMMENDATION • Upgrade to BUY with a higher target price of RM7.95, derived by adding: a) the implied value of Narra share at RM3.39/HLI share (HLI’s shareholders will be receiving 1,080 Narra shares for every 1,000 HLI shares), and b) a 20% holding company discount to our SOTP valuation of RM5.70 for HLI’s remaining assets. Our valuation methodology is unchanged and we revise Narra’s 2015 PE valuation from 17x to 18x. • 18x 2015F PE for Narra is reasonable. We deem an 18x (previously 17x) 2015F PE for Narra is fair, given that peers are trading at an average of 19x 2015F PE. Furthermore, we believe Hume Cement has better growth prospects as it plans to significantly raise production capacity in the intermediate term.