Wednesday, August 5, 2015



當時日中合拍的「絲綢之路」曾在世界範圍內引起很大反響,它的拍攝作為一種國家行為,在規模上代表了當時我們所能達到的紀錄片製作的最高水準,中國政府為保障拍攝的順利進行採取了一系列高規格的措施,例如開通鐵路專線,甚至是出動軍隊。 絲綢之路上的神秘,震撼了全世界,現代人的足跡已將其中幾處踩踏為旅遊熱線,於是NHK又在2005年再次邀請中央台,再次聯手踏上絲綢之路,來過Season 2 







一個貨櫃的運輸成本降低近一半的意義是什麼嗎?這是強國製造業前所未有的優勢,而這種優勢是過去所沒有想到的,可以置新加坡貨櫃業於死地。現在,透過歐亞之間的火車運輸,比較優勢甚至超過飛機、貨船,開啟了一個所謂的火車 運河運輸革命,這將大幅降低運輸成本。




Well,當然有concern,但是係positive side. 而且都是來自泰國及緬甸政府的內部消息,我也不敢講太多,有D野,目前真係要收埋食,我食完頭圍各位才吃二圍,立法界制衣界別有條懵佬,以為在仰光可以拿到地,帶了幾十人去起什麼香港制衣工業園,點去乜七都欏唔到,冇曬面,後來又以為可以食鋪雞糊輸入緬甸外傭,心諗雞糊都好,點知又是食詐糊,香港有間iBank就醒,同我們私下傾,好Deal咪一起玩Lor(未完)


索羅斯在他早年所寫的一本書The Alchemy of Finance說出他判斷全球金融走勢的方法。


感悟力,若用英文來表述,就是making senses

我跑馬都是一樣,把馬經平攤在一張大桌子上,一邊吃早餐一邊隨手翻閱,看看王登平寫乜,無敵馬神Leo寫乜,潘頓有幾倍,若用英文來表述,就是making senses。若用中文來表述,就是贏就贏X到開巷,輸就連老婆都唔敢講。



不僅市場大部分機構投資者,即使日本金融監管局也直到20132月份才察覺到索羅斯所持有的空倉。這位金融大鱷在貨幣市場上的又一次大獲全勝,再次印證了其寶刀未老,索羅斯投資思想的核心,反射理論(Theory Of Reflexivity)又一次成為了市場的關注熱點。




1997年東亞金融危機的爆發恰恰印證了這一點。首當其衝者 ---- 泰銖,即使泰國央行面對索羅斯的攻擊而事前做了大量準備工作,也不得不放棄原先的固定匯率制度,印尼、馬來西亞等國也無一倖免。

反射理論出自於1987年索羅斯的The Alchemy of Finance一書,書中對其多年來金融市場縱橫所奉行的金融理論基礎及投資策略進行了詳細的描述,其中的核心就是反射理論。反射理論指的是投資者與金融市場的互動關係,投資者根據自己獲得的資訊和對市場的認知形成對市場的預期,並付諸投資行動,這種行動改變了市場原有發展方向,就會反射出一種新的市場形態,從而形成新的資訊,讓投資者產生新的投資信念,並繼續改變金融市場的走向。











索羅斯也因此獲取了巨利,而我用潘頓做膽都中了四條QChinese Navy Security Area. Keep Fucking Clear!


2013911標普道瓊指數公司公佈,高盛、VisaNike將取代美國鋁業、惠普及美國銀行,成為道指成份股,列入新的30支成分股之1。變動將於920日收市後生效。1997年加入道指的惠普,將被信用卡公司Visa取代;美銀由高盛(Goldman Sachs)取代;加入道指長達54年的美鋁,則替換成運動用品商Nike。變更於920日美股收盤後生效。


這代表什麼?這代表大時代,Big Tea Rice降臨,代表PC is Dead,高盛仍是Wall StreetLion Share,也代表運動及體育用品股的大時代降臨,意味華爾街肯定Nike是全球景氣復甦的代表性個股。But,唔係大陸喎。





But,這己經是已經發生的過去式,Nike入面的精英好多都走光, Nike Innovation Kitchen 一向是新產品研發的部門,經他們研發的產品包括 FuelBandFlyknit 跑鞋。Apple 最近就邀得 Innovation Kitchen 的工作室總監 Ben Shaffer 過檔。更多人去了投靠Portland RYUK博士。(可參考我老作波特蘭的K博士系列)

K博士(Dr. Craig Brod) 昨深夜來電,老占,個刁搞掂啦,下周有大公佈,買定等食糊啦!我訓到矇矇鬆鬆,吓,凌晨四點?乜又升多5%?真係密食當三番。


Rising interest environment

Rising interest rate

Author: Equityengineer   |   Publish date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015, 09:55 PM 

As for today, the highlight would be ADP National Employement Report,  private employers hired 185,000 workers in July, which was the smallest increase since April and reduced expectations of a strong jobs reading in the government's payrolls report due Friday. This news would be the curreny mover.
Long term historical USDSGD and USDMYR. The interets rate has fueled USD to ramp up but MYR is at at historical high and SGD is following trend upwards. With QE and zero interst rate had slammed down USD for the past 7-8 years. Raising an interest rate will cause emerging markets currency suffer losses even more plus commodity price pressed down. Oil is a risk. Nothing is certain even the FED giving hawkish sign to increase interest rate.

Together with them BOE is also expected to move interest rate by beginning of next year. Tomorrow, on Thursday the BoE is combining the breakdown of voting on its nine-member Monetary Policy Committee with the minutes from the meeting. It will also concurrently publish its quarterly inflation report. Its - "Super Thursday".

This type of hike has created volatility and turbulences in the market. Export related stocks mainly is good but yet its not always can be the case. Still have to deal with Malaysia political turbulence which widely reported around the world.

. This table shows the recession in past 100 years and so. Well, the current bull run is about 6 years which is 73 months. With the hope that interest rate does not jeopardize the economy the bull should continue. Even if Malaysia does not seem interesting to invest some US stocks can be an option besides it will be in the US currency.

Nothing much about the recession, definitely the FED won't increase the rate if we are falling into recession.
But the chart below worth checking out. You see, when something is done there will be a consequences, good for somehing and bad
for something.

Some quotes worth to be reminded

1) There have been ZERO times that the Federal Reserve has entered into a rate hiking campaign that did not have a negative consequence.
2) Assuming a buy and hold investment, which never really occurs due to panic selling during declines, investors would have still netted a slightly positive return following the crash of 1987.  However, having just been in cash during that entire period would have netted a higher overall compounded return.
3) The average period of time following an increase in the effective funds rate to either a stock market correction, economic recession or both has been 20.75 months. Therefore, if we assume an initial increase in the Fed funds rate in June of 2015, that would put the next negative event sometime in the first quarter of 2017.
4) However, the median number of months following the initial rate hike has been 17 months. This would advance the timeframe into mid-2016. Such a time frame would coincide with both the Decennial and US presenditial election years
5) Importantly, there have been only two times in recent history that the Federal Reserve has increased interest rates from such a low level of annualized economic growth. The most relevant period was in 1983 when the economy was recovering from two adjacent recessions. Due to such weak economic growth, the impact of rising interest rates tripped up the stock market just 17 months later.
6) Lastly, it is crucially important to recognize that the ENTIRETY of the "bullish" analysis is based around a sustained 34-year period of falling interest rates, inflation and annualized rates of economic growth. With all of these variables near historic lows there is absolutely no way to assume how asset prices, or economic growth, will fair going forward.

This generous CEO shared $27 million with his employees after selling his company- Nevzat Aydın

Nevzat Aydin
Rockstar CEO Nevzat Aydın
After Nevzat Aydın sold his online food ordering company Yemeksepeti for a whopping $589 million to Delivery Hero, he gave his employees a generous surprise.
Aydın carved out $27 million for his 114 employees and give each of them a slice. This made the average bonus in the payout $237,000, almost 150 times the normal monthly wage at the Turkish company — employees typically earn between $1,000 to $2,000 a month.
The CEO wanted to reward his employees for building the company with their hard work and talent.
“Yemeksepeti’s success story did not happen overnight,” Aydın told CNNMoney. “I believe in team work and I believe success is much more enjoyable and glorious when shared with the rest of the team.”
It was also reported that many employees were crying from happiness when Aydın broke the news to them.
Yemeksepeti, meaning “food cart” in Turkish, is Turkey’s first and largest online food delivery site, similar to platforms like Postmates or Grubhub. It promises to have food delivered to its customer’s doorsteps within 30-45 minutes of an order.
The company does over 3 million transactions a month, reported Quartz.
And on that warm and fuzzy note, there are other thoughtful bosses out there who have donated kidneys to their employee’s sons and paid off their worker’s mortgage. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Insider Asia’s Stock Of The Day: ELSOFT (04/08/2015)

Tue, 4 Aug 2015, 09:52 AM

Insider Asia’s Stock Of The Day: ELSOFT (04/08/2015)

Monday, July 27, 2015

2016 stocks to buy

As I was writing this, most stocks have started the rally.

Below are just some stocks which I think can have in my portfolio in order to have reasonable return. Buying and selling at your own risk. I will give my own desired cost to buy, and also will have more analysis on each stock moving forward.

I think by focusing more on just 10-15 stocks will make us more focus, also the same time my website/ blog here can be more focus on analysis which I think most of us here readers wanted.

I shall speak lesser on market/ economics, and might just focus more on analysis.


1. KESM- RM4.00 range
2. HHGroup-RM0.45 range
3. GSB-RM0.09 to 0.10 range
4. Elsoft-RM1.75-1.80 range
5. Landmark-RM1.20-1.30 range
6. GENM-RM4.00-4.20 range
7. GENTING-WA-RM1.05-1.10 range
8. Solution-RM0.30-0.33 range
9. Gadang- RM1.40-1.45 range
10. PerakCorp- RM3.00-3.30 range

some others still monitoring now: BTM-WB, LFECorp.

Good luck investing.
Investment is a longterm commitment. I would prefer to have more exposure only after Sep2015, should FED choose to hike slowly.

“The secret to successful investing is to figure out the value of something-and then pay a lot less.”         Joel Grenblatt

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Insider Asia’s Stock Of The Day: Elsoft


ELSOFT Research Bhd (Fundamental: 3/3, Valuation: 2.1/3) offers investors an exposure to the robust growth in mobile devices and the increasing use of LED (light emitting diode) in consumer products. 
The Penang based technology player designs and develops automated test equipment for companies to inspect LEDs. LEDs are a component in printed circuit boards used mainly in the semiconductor, consumer products, optoelectronic and automotive industries. 
Elsoft recently completed its transfer from the ACE to the Main Market on Jan 22. The MSC-status company has also just successfully renewed its pioneer status and will enjoy tax exemption for the next 10 years until 2025. 
Its underlying business has been doing very well. Revenue grew at a CAGR of over 41.4% between 2010 and 2014, to RM45.14 million. Net profit grew by an outsized 50.4% annually over the same period, to RM 19.78 million. Elsoft runs a lean ship, with just 61 staff, translating into a high productivity of RM740,000 of revenue per employee. 
Moving forward, Elsoft plans to expand its customer base and produce LED testing equipment for medical devices, which it expects to boost revenue by 20%. Meanwhile, its associate company, Lesoshoppe is seeking to list on the ACE market, to fund the expansion of its trading equipment business in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Elsoft has a strong balance sheet with double-digit ROE and is in a net cash position of RM32.3 million. This is supportive of its minimum 40% dividend payout policy. 
Indeed, Elsoft has been rewarding shareholders with more, paying 50-73% of annual earnings in 2011-2013. Recently, Elsoft declared a dividend of 5 sen per share, bringing the total dividends in 2014 to 7 sen which translates into a net yield of 4%. The stock is trading at a trailing 12-month P/E of 15.7 times, which is attractive relative to its strong double-digit growth.

This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on March 30, 2015.

ELSOFT - Diversifying into automotive and medical with technology

Exchange: KLSE
Current Price: RM 1.870
Diluted Shares Outstanding: 181,132,000
Market Capitalization: RM 338.7 million
Public Float: 18%
Industry: Technology Equipments

 Previous FYTTMMRQCriteria (Annualised)
Historical P(EBITDA)R11.2313.09 <10
Trailing PTBV 4.21  
Dividend Yield2.1%-  
Capital Structure    
Long Term Debt/Total Asset0.8%0.6% <30%
Total Debt/Total Asset6.7%5.1% <60%
Management Effectiveness    
ROE (use EBITDA)29.2%41.9%6.5%>15%
ROA (use EBITDA)26.4%38.7%6.2%>6%
ROIC (use EBITDA)27.2%39.7%6.4%>4%
Cash Ratio1.843.80  
Quick Ratio6.3913.24 >0.8
EBITDA Margin47.5%49.1%49.3%>5%
EBITDA (cents)11.8513.892.80 
Cash Flow    
Operating Cash Flow/Net Profit0.690.770.61>0.5
Free Cash Flow/Net Profit0.660.750.59>0.2

Revenue 79.0%144.6%>10%
EBITDA 82.6%265.1%>5%
EBITDA/Equity 50.7%188.9%>0%
Comment: Valuation ratios failed slightly whereas all other criterias pass with flying colours. This is fine for a technology stock.
Advantages: Large cash holdings in USD to further boost company performance. ELSOFT also has a pioneer status for 100% tax exemption on its earnings. Business is also well diversified to prevent dependence on growth of smart devices only. ELSOFT provides for other segments such as the automotive and medical industry.
Risks: ELSOFT may see increased competition from other companies such as MMSV, FRONTKN and INARI.

Target Price: RM 2.930
Potential Upside: 57% (based on current price)
Margin of Safety: 36% (based on current price)
Maximum Entry Price (Fundamental): RM 2.050
Recommended Entry Price (Technical): RM 1.780
Cut Loss: RM 1.600
Holding Period: Until end of August 2016 (After QR)