Tuesday, March 8, 2016

罗杰斯:美国1年内铁定落入衰退 已出清日元仓位

商品大王罗杰斯(Jim Rogers)较少见地给出了“末日预言”,他日前斩钉截铁地表示,美国经济在未来12个月内将会陷入衰退。


Friday, March 4, 2016

Gold-Silver Ratio Breakout Report, 28 Feb, 2016

The gold to silver ratio moved up very sharply this week, +4.2%. How did this happen? It was not because of a move in the price of gold, which barely budged this week. It was due entirely to silver being repriced 66 cents lower.
This ratio is now 83.2. It takes 83.2 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. Conversely, it takes 1/83.2oz (about 0.37 grams) of gold to buy an ounce of silver.
This ratio is now within a hair’s breadth of breaking out past the high set on Oct 17, 2008. See the historical graph (based on LBMA silver fix and PM gold fix data, provided by Quandl).
The Historical Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price
letter feb 28 historical ratio
Monetary Metals has been predicting a ratio well over 80 for a long time. And for two months, we have been calling for it to go much higher still. Could there be a correction? Absolutely. Could the fundamentals change? We expect they will—at some point. We will call that when we see it.
Speaking of the fundamentals, read on for the only true picture of the gold and silver supply and demand fundamentals…
But first, here’s the graph of the metals’ prices.
The Prices of Gold and Silver
letter feb 28 prices
We are interested in the changing equilibrium created when some market participants are accumulating hoards and others are dishoarding. Of course, what makes it exciting is that speculators can (temporarily) exaggerate or fight against the trend. The speculators are often acting on rumors, technical analysis, or partial data about flows into or out of one corner of the market. That kind of information can’t tell them whether the globe, on net, is hoarding or dishoarding.
One could point out that gold does not, on net, go into or out of anything. Yes, that is true. But it can come out of hoards and into carry trades. That is what we study. The gold basis tells us about this dynamic.
Conventional techniques for analyzing supply and demand are inapplicable to gold and silver, because the monetary metals have such high inventories. In normal commodities, inventories divided by annual production (stocks to flows) can be measured in months. The world just does not keep much inventory in wheat or oil.
With gold and silver, stocks to flows is measured in decades. Every ounce of those massive stockpiles is potential supply. Everyone on the planet is potential demand. At the right price, and under the right conditions. Looking at incremental changes in mine output or electronic manufacturing is not helpful to predict the future prices of the metals. For an introduction and guide to our concepts and theory, click here.
Next, this is a graph of the gold price measured in silver, otherwise known as the gold to silver ratio. The ratio was up substantially.
The Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price
letter feb 28 ratio
For each metal, we will look at a graph of the basis and cobasis overlaid with the price of the dollar in terms of the respective metal. It will make it easier to provide brief commentary. The dollar will be represented in green, the basis in blue and cobasis in red.
Here is the gold graph.
The Gold Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price
letter feb 28 gold
The price was basically unchanged. The cobasis (i.e. scarcity) was also just about unchanged. This, by the way, was also true for farther-out contracts although we only show April in this free Report.
We calculate a fundamental gold price of over $1,440. This is the price we would have if the price effect of speculation was subtracted out of the market. Who would be shorting gold at this point? We have an idea of one group that may appear sacrilegious to the gold community.
Let’s get it out of the way. No, it’s not the Powers That Be, the commercial banks, the central banks, or the Illuminati. It’s the silver bugs. Consider the widespread belief—at least outside of readers of this Report—in silver outperformance. Who doesn’t think the ratio should be far lower—50 for starters, on the way to 16 as in Ye Times of Olde?
How would you trade this thesis? You would short gold futures and go long silver futures in equal dollar amounts. This would of course push up the price of silver, and push down the price of gold
We would say to anyone in this trade to be careful, but obviously they don’t read this Report. If you must trade this trend, you should do the opposite: long gold, short silver (and be wary of violent corrections).
How do we explain that the price of gold is 15% below its fundamental, while the price of silver is only at a 2% premium? The silver market is less liquid than the gold market, so equal dollar values of this trade would push the silver price up more than it would push the gold price down.
We have two thoughts on this. One, if most traders think of the metals as commodities—we saw yet another article on this theme today—and if commodities are in a bear market, then the metals are hated. Perhaps silver would be 30% under its fundamental—i.e. about $10—if it weren’t for this trade that alters the relationship of silver to gold.
Maybe. Our other thought is that if this is a new bull market in gold—i.e. a bear market in the dollar—it’s in stealth mode at the moment. Mainstream traders are not excited about gold speculation. They’re not buying gold futures, and may even be short. We are aware of the Commitment of Traders report (COT), showing that non-commercials (i.e. speculators) have a net long position. It’s the commercials (i.e. miners and jewelers) who have the short position. Perhaps it’s the miners putting on more hedges—i.e. selling more of their production forward. Maybe it’s the reduced forward buying of the gold users.
Whatever the factors, one thing’s for sure. The price of gold in the futures market is sagging relative to the price of gold in the spot market.
Our approach is not based on aggregate quantities. That’s why we don’t stop at the COT data. We look at spreads. Spreads inform us in a way that strict quantity analysis cannot. If you doubt this, ask how many COT analysts predicted the price action in silver or the ratio.
This graph shows the rates we observe to carry gold for contracts in 2016 (i.e. basis).
The Gold Bases for 2016 and LIBOR
letter feb 28 basis libor
These yields are hardly worth anyone’s while to buy gold and sell a future against it, not to mention that the cost of funding this trade is about twice the return on the trade. Carrying gold does not pay, because gold is not abundant enough in the market to be available to carry.
Now let’s look at silver.
The Silver Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price
letter feb 28 silver
In May silver, we see the scarcity (i.e. cobasis) drops on Tuesday when the price of the dollar falls (i.e. the price of silver rises), and a rising scarcity as silver is becoming cheaper. It’s no surprise that the big rise in scarcity occurred on Friday, with the big drop in price. No question, futures sold off.
Another glance confirms it. Look at the epic drop in the basis. It’s down almost to match the gold basis (though the cobasis is nowhere near what is in gold). To review, here are our definitions:
Basis = Future(bid) – Spot(ask)
Cobasis = Spot(bid) – Future(ask)
The basis is down because the bid on the May contract is being pressed down. Silver—at this price—is no longer so abundant. The basis is well below LIBOR. However, it’s not particularly scarce. The ask on the May contract is still strong, still being lifted by buying pressure.
Last week, we showed a picture of “icicles” dripping on the chart of spot silver.
letter feb 21 silver icicles
This is in contrast to the futures chart. First, thanks to several folks who wrote to say that these are usually called “shadows”. We used the term icicle because of its connotation of dripping down. We believe that the cause is that metal is being sold, pushing the price down. But then that creates an actionable arbitrage to carry silver. So the market makers buy spot and sell the future. This does two things. One, obviously, it records a trade in the spot market at ask price and lifts the ask. Two, it presses the bid price in the futures market.
If this is correct, then silver is intermittently abundant. At times when there’s selling of metal in the spot market, it’s abundant enough to go into the warehouse. At other times, and we’ll see more of this if the price falls further, it’s not so abundant.
The fundamental price of silver fell about a nickel this week. The market price is much closer to the fundamental now.
This brings us to the ratio. The fundamental on the ratio hit over 100 this week.
What does it mean that the market ratio is just about to break out past its 2008 high, while the fundamental is predicting we could hit the record set in 1991? Ironically, the gold-silver ratio is showing something that most mainstream signals cannot.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment number looks brilliant at under 5%. The S&P 500 index of stocks is only about 10% off its highs from the first half of last year. Sure, there’s that epic collapse in the price of crude oil and other commodities, but pay no heed. Cheap oil means cheap gas which gives money back to consumer who can spend spend spend our way to prosperity.
The gold to silver ratio is showing us that the junior money is getting cheaper relative to the senior money. It is showing us that the metal which has industrial demand as well as monetary is falling relative to the metal whose demand is entirely monetary. It is also showing us that tightening credit conditions are starting to matter. So far as silver is concerned, credit conditions today match those which existed in October 2008.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Good sharing by Harry
2016年已经度过了2个月,相信大家也拿到了自己的投资成绩单。现在的股市非常敏感,业绩出炉出色可以上涨一点,业绩出炉还不错的就可以会下跌,业绩差或者不如“市场预期”的就会暴跌(GESHEN, PETRONM, WELLCAL等).今年的马股还是挑战重重,市场的情绪暂时还是有点悲观的。



  • AIRASIA终于摆脱亏损的阴影,营业额突破新高来到21.6亿马币,Net  Profit 高达5.54亿。不过值得注意的是其中1.24亿马币是Defferred Taxation,而且部分的盈利是来字Maintenance Service Revenue,这是大家必须注意的。不过短期来说,AA还是会受到投资者的追捧的。所以今年AA的股价涨幅26.36%,AAX也有50%的涨幅。
  • SLP的盈利连年进步,股价去年上涨了222%,而今年短短两个月也上涨了23.68%。Plastic领域今年在原油价格低迷下应该会有不错的表现。
  • PADINI的盈利连续两个季度突破交出了让人惊喜的盈利,而且股息也很吸引人。所以股价也在今年突破了新高,不过未来要持续成长相信很具有挑战。
  • KIMLUN的盈利两年进步,而且还派发了5.8仙的股息,周息率高达3.6%。加上手上握有11亿的合约,今年前景看涨。
  • PAVREIT以及IGBREIT最近突破股价新高,原因可能是市场不明朗,所以所以投资者偏向高股息的产业信托。
  • SPRITZER的盈利连年进步,所以股价也跟着走高。而且它持有的YEELEE在代理Red Bull之后表现亮眼,所以今年消费股会很有看头。
  • 最后SCIENTX的股价今年上涨了13.44%, 主要原因是上个季度交出了新高的盈利,所以吸引了不少投资人的目光。只要未来几个季度盈利持续成长,SCIENTX相信会有不错的Return。
  • HAPSENG最新季度的盈利下跌,所以股价从高峰的7.93下跌到现在的7.58.以市值来计算,HAPSENG的市值接近170亿,已经是马来西亚前25的巨擎。不知道会不会被列入30大蓝筹股呢?

AirAsia shines, up 12.9% for the week

Since reporting their outstanding 4th quarter results announced last Friday, the share price of AirAsia has been on a strong rally, gaining 5.8% on Monday and a further 6.8% yesterday. Macquarie Equities Research (MER)’s released a report looking at AirAsia’s earnings, excerpts can be found below…

  • AirAsia reported an adjusted profit of RM311mn for 4Q15, bringing FY15 adjusted profit to RM697mn (+70% YoY), which is 32% and 16% ahead of MER’s and consensus estimates. MER believes the following key highlights from the results will be received positively by the market: 1) ability to sustain passenger yields whilst delivering 10% passenger growth and improved load factors in 4Q15, 2) reduction in receivables from associates and 3) strong cashflow generation (OCF yield of 57%).

4Q15 highlights
  • Revenue grew 16%, mainly on the back of 10% passenger growth and flat passenger yields.
  • Interestingly, passenger yields excluding fuel surcharge increased 17% YoY.
  • Its Malaysian and Philippines entity reported earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and rent (EBITDAR) growth while the Indonesian entity continues to disappoint with a reduction in EBITDAR. Its Thai entity reported a slight reduction in EBITDAR.
  • FY15 highlights
    • The beat to MER’s FY15 estimates was top line-driven. Revenue, which grew 8% YoY, was 7% and 6% ahead of MER’s and consensus estimates.
    • Unit cost dropped 4.1%, mainly driven by lower fuel expenses. Reduction in fuel cost, however, was offset by increases in maintenance, overhaul and user charges, a common theme among the three AirAsia entities that have reported their results.
  • Balance sheet & cashflow
    • Receivables from Indonesia AirAsia and Philippines AirAsia fell to RM618mn (end-FY14: RM1,411mn) and RM840mn (end-FY14: RM948mn), respectively. The reduction of Indonesia AirAsia's receivables was mainly driven by the conversion of receivables into a perpetual bond (IDR2,058bn =~RM610mn).
    • Cash balance increased to RM2.4bn (from RM1.3bn as end Dec 2014).
    • Net gearing fell slightly to 2.3x from 2.5x in Dec 2014.
  • The negative
Indonesia AirAsia and Philippines AirAsia remain loss-making in 4Q15 despite earlier projections by management that both will be profitable in 4Q15. Net adjusted losses for both entities were, however, narrowed.
  • Outlook
    • Group CEO mentioned that in Malaysia the company is benefiting from the weaker currency environment that has led to local consumers trading down for travel.
    • Also, the CEO commented that demand from Chinese travelers has remained resilient, and he expects the visa waiver initiative to boost arrivals in the coming quarters. MER highlighted that AirAsia is most poised to benefit from the rising number of Chinese tourists into the country given it has the largest market share on Malaysia-China routes.
    • Indonesia AirAsia will continue to rationalise its network with a reduction in fleet size "to minimise operational losses."
    • The company expects Philippines AirAsia to break even "in the coming months," aided by the retirement of two remaining inefficient aircraft and capacity rationalisation.
    • The launch of AirAsia Japan has been pushed back slightly from "early 2016" to "first half of 2016."‌

Action and recommendation
Reiterate Outperform.
Source: Macquarie Research - 2 Mar 2016

AirAsia PH reduces losses, expects to break even this year

The Philippine unit of Southeast Asia’s largest budget airline said net loss fell 46 percent to P3.09 billion in 2015 from P5.18 billion in 2014.
Air Asia Inc., operator of Air Asia Philippines, posted a net loss of P118.79 million in the October-to-December period from a loss of P1.28 billion year-on-year.
“We are proud to have turned around our operations [in the Philippines] in this quarter and achieved figures close to breakeven,” AirAsia Group chief executive Tony Fernandes said.
Fernandes said the company expects a similar trend this year, with a revenue improvement of 25 percent to 30 percent projected in the first quarter of 2016 from a year ago.
“In addition, our forecast shows high load factor in the current quarter, which coupled with low oil prices, is expected to allow us to continue achieving break even or even profitability in our Philippines’ operations in the coming months,” he said.
The company’s revenues amounted to P8.93 billion in 2015, up 18 percent from P7.54 billion in 2014.
The airline company attributed the 19 percent growth in revenue to the increase in the number of passengers carried, as capacity rose 3 percent  year-on-year.
Air Asia Philippines carried 3.59 million passengers in 2015 from 3.03 million last year, while load factor rose to 81 percent.
The airline has 14 operating aircraft serving domestic destinations, such as Kalibo (Boracay), Puerto Princesa (Palawan), Tagbilaran (Bohol), Cebu and Tacloban. It also flies to China, Korea, Macau and Hong Kong.
“We will be disciplined and continue with our planned retirement of two remaining inefficient aircraft in first quarter of 2016 as well as matching capacity growth with demand, while pushing forward with our plans to market the Philippines as an untapped tourist destination with great potential as part of the governments campaign to ‘Visit the Philippines Again 2016’,” Fernandes said.
Malaysia’s Air Asia, through AA International, owns 40 percent of Philippines’ Air Asia Inc., while Filipinos Marriane Hontiveros, Michael Romero, Antonio Cojuangco and Alfredo Yao own the balance of 60 percent.


AirAsia to soar 100%-200%. Phoenix RISING

know that airline stocks are the perfect anti-oil instrument in this current cycle?
Oil and fossil fuel is dying, making way for renewable energy. Unlike previous cycles, oil will not recover. That's because technology for renewables have reached an inflexion point when it's actually cheap and feasible to use renewables. This will be great for airline stocks (you would know if you have been tracking global airline stocks).
Anyway, back to airlines and AirAsia.
1) AirAsia : Most lagging Airline stock in the WORLD
Do you know that global airline stocks are rallied 200-300-400% in the last 2-3 years??
Southwest Air's share price in the US tripled from 10.62 in 2014 to 42.34 now! Delta Air also nearly tripled from 12.65 to 48!

What about AirAsia? AirAsia's share price actually went down 27%! Think it's fair to say that it's time for AirAsia to catch up! A double, or triple maybe. ;)
Anyone who say that Airlines is a not so good business should look at the charts above as proof that airlines is a good business for this cycle. The current economic cycle of low oil prices is a blessing for non-oil logistics as well as tourism travel stocks ie Airlines.

2) AirAsia is super cheap now : only 4.7x PE!
AirAsia is forecasted by HLG Research to make RM822m core profit or 29 sen core EPS for 2016. This means it's only trading at 4.7x 2016 PE. Serious?!
Ryanair and Southwest trades at 13x and 12x PE. This means AirAsia is only 60% cheaper than it's contemporaries. It's ridicilous because AirAsia is a world famous brand and is the strongest proxy to South East Asia. It should trade at least at the SAME valuations as these two stocks ie at least 12-13x. This would mean a potential 150% upside from here.
3) AirAsia profits trending upwards and Higher in 2016-17
Oil and Jet fuel prices have been lower recently, plus AirAsia's hedges will be lower which means much lower fuel costs for coming quarters and higher profits. Plus it has already kitchen sunked it's losses in Indonesia and Philippines, which means a clear financial path for 2016.
All in all, AirAsia's profits will boom higher in 2016 which will make it even cheaper. Pegging a 13x PE fair valuation AirAsia should be trading at above RM3.50 in 1-2 years time. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016



香港著名投資家曹Sir (曹志明)因胃癌於221日逝世,享年68歲。有「香港股神」之稱的曹先生,既是香港乃至華人社會深具影響的投資分析家,也堪稱是香港乃至華人社會最會炒股的人。其經歷不但是投資界的一個傳奇,更對廣大散戶投資者深具啟示意義。特別為分享曹Sir的故事與思想。






「我永遠對金錢饑渴(hungry)和貪心(greedy) 」身為億萬富翁,財富足夠家人幾代生活無憂後,曹仁超說自己也依然是這種心態。






















Tribute to superman.






























曹仁超說,始終嚴守止損的紀律,是他不斷求勝的關鍵。Cut lost or cut throat!更是他四處宣揚的名言。







l   只有身家過億的人才有資格分散投資,散戶一定要集中火力,才有機會賺大錢,把雞蛋放在太多籃子裡,很容易手忙腳亂。
l   決定借錢給朋友,便不要奢望有歸還之日,更須有失去這個朋友的心理準備。
l   千萬不要抄底,也千萬不要估頂,沒有人知道或者到底在哪裡。但是,趨勢是可以判斷的,把握趨勢,賺錢就成為很簡單的事。
l   常常聽人說,金錢不能買來快樂。這只是安慰那些沒有錢的人。貧賤夫妻百事哀,普通人所遇到的煩惱九成與錢銀有關,開門七件事都可用金錢解決。
l   投資者永遠要記著買什麼、何時買、買多少、何時賣,要麼賺100%以上,要麼蝕15%離場。所謂兵貴神速,股市用兵應速戰速決,有機會便全力進軍,在最短時間內賺取最大利潤。
l   怕失敗的人永遠成功無望、註定平庸一生。不幸地,社會上99%的人皆如此,只有1%人能從失敗中學習。
l   年輕時資金少、智慧不多,只有勇氣多,因此要博;年紀大了、資金多了、智慧多了,反而勇氣少了,因此要穩,因為已經輸不起。
l   成功者所以成功,是因為不怕失敗!失敗者所以失敗,是失敗後不再嘗試!
l   在困難的日子裡,不要對自己失去信心;在瘋狂的時候,應時刻保持頭腦冷靜。

l   不怕失去機會,只要有資本,明天又有另一個機會。