Monday, August 11, 2014


  七、習慣:有個故事:一個富人送給窮人一頭牛,窮人滿懷希望地開始奮鬥,可是牛要吃草,人要吃飯,日子難熬,於是窮人把牛賣了,買了幾隻羊,吃了一 隻,盼着其他羊生小羊,可是小羊沒生出來,日子又艱難了,窮人只好賣了羊,買了雞,想讓雞生蛋,但是日子仍沒有改變,最後窮人把雞也殺了,又恢復了以前的 生活。一個投資專家說,富人成功的秘訣是:不管多麼困難,也不要動用投資和儲蓄,壓力會幫助你找到賺錢的辦法。

Friday, August 1, 2014

HONG LEONG INDUSTRIES (HLI MK) Tapping On The Growth Of Hume Cement

We are increasingly positive on the growth prospects of Hume Cement, underpinned by its plant’s improving efficiency and a potential doubling in production capacity to cater to more markets. Given the relatively lofty valuation in Narra, investing in Hume Cement through HLI (HLI investors to receive 1.08 Narra shares for every share held) could be a more attractive option. Upgrade HLI to BUY with a higher target price of RM7.95. WHAT’S NEW • Increasing target price to RM7.95. As we are more optimistic on the operational efficiency and utilisation rate of the Hume Cement plant 18 months after production commencement, we raise our forecast for Hume Cement’s 2015 net profit to RM70m (from RM55m) and thus Narra’s 2015 net profit forecast to RM80m. Pegging at a higher 18x of (previously 17x) 2015 PE for Narra, our SOTP target price for HLI is raised to RM7.95, from RM7.16. • To double cement production capacity in 2 years’ time. We understand Hume Cement’s plant utilisation rate has hit 82-85% and the company intends to double the capacity via Phase 2 expansion adjacent to its existing plant. This potential RM500m-600m expansion will see Hume Cement’s capacity surpassing that of some peers (potentially becoming the third-largest cement player) and improving its economies of scale. After ramping up its capacity, Hume Cement plans to penetrate the southern regional markets which it has yet to have a presence. And in the longer term, it may also consider moving downstream to the ready-mix cement market. • Potentially to use par value for share price adjustment. Separately, we understand that so far, Bursa seems to have no issue with HLI’s proposal to use the par value to adjust its share price to reflect the distribution of Narra shares to HLI shareholders (1.08 Narra shares for every HLI share). If so, after the shares go ex Narra distribution, HLI’s share price will be adjusted by RM1.08, which is significantly lower than the potential distribution value of Narra of >RM5/HLI share (based on Narra’s present valuation). STOCK IMPACT • Restructuring exercise expected to complete in end-September. Management is hopeful of completing the restructuring exercise by end-September. The company is currently waiting for the court’s approval for capital reduction and distribution. Hume Cement doing well in FY14. After achieved an impressive RM7.8m net profit in FY13 with only one quarter of official commissioning production, we understand Hume Cement is likely to achieve more than RM50m net profit in FY14. Moving into FY15, we believe the higher utilisation rate and gradual improvement in efficiency will allow Hume Cement to see further bottom-line improvement. Hume Cement’s good limestone reserves make it more efficient than peers who source for limestone externally. Our 2015 RM70m net profit forecast assumes 1.6m-tonne production and RM295/tonne net selling price. • Expecting sustainable earnings and dividend payout post restructuring. HLI’s earnings are sustainable or stronger in FY15-16, after stripping out Hume Cement’s ICPS and Hume Concrete. We expect better prospects from its other building material segments (significant turnaround at Guocera tiles division as well as additional capacity and better pricing in the fibreboard business) to offset the exclusion of Hume Concrete’s earnings from the group. In addition, Hume Cement currently does not contribute any earnings to HLI’s bottom line, with the exception of dividend income from the ICPS. • Prospective dividend yield of 4.7-5.2%. While there is no formal dividend policy, management guided that HLI will continue paying out at least 50-55% of its earnings (FY15F DPS of 27-30 sen). This implies a prospective yield of 4.7-5.2% after HLI’s share price goes-ex, assuming a RM1.08 share price adjustment. EARNINGS REVISION • No change to our earnings forecasts but we increase Narra’s 2015 net profit forecast by 23%. VALUATION/RECOMMENDATION • Upgrade to BUY with a higher target price of RM7.95, derived by adding: a) the implied value of Narra share at RM3.39/HLI share (HLI’s shareholders will be receiving 1,080 Narra shares for every 1,000 HLI shares), and b) a 20% holding company discount to our SOTP valuation of RM5.70 for HLI’s remaining assets. Our valuation methodology is unchanged and we revise Narra’s 2015 PE valuation from 17x to 18x. • 18x 2015F PE for Narra is reasonable. We deem an 18x (previously 17x) 2015F PE for Narra is fair, given that peers are trading at an average of 19x 2015F PE. Furthermore, we believe Hume Cement has better growth prospects as it plans to significantly raise production capacity in the intermediate term.

Saturday, July 26, 2014



什么是股息?股息就是在你买了一间公司的股票之后,公司就 会在1年派发几次给投资者/股东。上市的公司何其多,但是业绩良好又定时派发高股息的公司却不多。因此,很多喜欢长期持有的投资者都会选择奶水充足的“奶 牛股”。为什么会叫奶牛股呢??因为公司就像奶牛一样,为投资者提供的股息就是奶水咯。派发越多股息的公司,就会受到越多投资者的追捧。



  • REITS的股息一向来都很高,所以我把reits排出在外。
  • 上面的公司我只持有Matrix,以前也曾经短期持有过Padini。个人认为这两支股都拥有不错的前景,大家不妨自己研究研究。
  • 其实里面大部分的公司我都不是很熟悉,Atlan做什么我也不清楚。
  • 不过CVIEW,ATLAN以及SHL这3间公司今天一度冲上了10大上升榜单。所以高股息的公司还是很受投资者欢迎的。
  • 值得一提的是SHL在这个星期3天里上涨了80仙,也就是35.4%。真的是有够夸张,想知道原因请读今天的星洲日报。如果不是股价突然飞涨,SHL的股息可是高达8%以上。不过我觉得它的股价会在这个星期继续飞涨,让我们试目以待。
  • BURSA的股息一向很大方,美中不足是股价却没有什么涨幅。
  • 从上面的图表我们可以看到高股息的公司受到许多投资者的喜爱,所以股价的涨幅高于综合指数。今年12间公司股价的平均涨幅是18.19%,平均周息率是7.51%。
  • 两者加起来就有25.7%了。虽然这种算法的准确度不高,但是总体来说还是非常吸引人的。



美联储通讯社:美联储将持续收缩QE 加息争论愈演愈烈

素有“美联储通讯社”之称的《华尔街日报》记者Jon Hilsenrath发文称,美联储在即将召开的货币政策会议上可能会持续收缩QE,并讨论何时、以及如何提高利率。(更多全球财经资讯,请加微信号:wallstreetcn)
尽管美联储官员对缩减QE无异议,但在加息问题上仍存分歧。目前,针对2008年开始的近乎于零的超低利率合适提升尚未有明确的统一意见。不仅如此,官员们关于加息时点的争论愈加激烈。达拉斯联储主席Richard Fisher本月初曾表示,
本月早些时候,华尔街见闻网站提及,Fisher称美联储需要在明年年初“甚至更早”加息。芝加哥联储主席Evans认为,若有需要,短期利率接近 于零的水平甚至可能一直维持至2016年初。耶伦则称,“几乎所有”FOMC官员预期首次加息会在2015年某个时候,目前对于2015年年底联邦基金利 率的预期中位数值为“1%左右”。
Jon Hilsenrath指出,许多投资者预计美联储在明年年中前都不会加息。而包括耶伦在内的很多美联储官员强调,提高利率的时机取决于经济。
Jon Hilsenrath认为,已经摆上台面的问题之一还包括:美联储何时开始缩减规模达4.1万亿美元的资产负债表。

交易價20億 傳李嘉誠售大馬5商場 0 0


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Half-year 2014 review on my NWC stocks.

As we approach July2014, market seems to be in euphoria status, and building up higher risk I think.
S&P in all time high nearing 2000 points, so is Dow Jones nearing 17,00. While having said so, both still above their 50MA, I've done some quick check on our KLCI also, which gives us same result. So for time being seems like everything is ok. Will there be any "Black Swan" effect soon?

In view of higher risk building, my strategy is simple. Stick to stock with highly defensive nature, almost recession proof, and also by using Net Working Capital way of stock picking, we are mostly safe when crisis hit. But you will be surprise also, human's emotional reaction will be extreme most of the time when market panic selling. This is the time when we go BIG! Thus, I would suggest building up reserve now, while stick to industry where I think can be recession proof:
Education-even in the toughest time, people will not give up education, because it is the way where one can change his own life and improve their living.
Utilities-Most utilities are recession proof due to its necessity nature, water, electricity are important factor for living.
Internet connection provider- It is a necessity in 21st century,almost the same as utilities.
General Insurance company-While people argued we can buy lesser insurance during tough times, but most of the countries nowadays enforce people to buy insurance for liabilities, such as car insurance, fire insurance. The basic insurance cover is made compulsory.

Chart forS&P 500 (^GSPC)
Chart forDow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

Now, lets review our performance for this 1H2014:
As you notice we have the purchase timing and prices in top right corner, below are timing of our purchases:
Dec-ILB@0.72 ;PMCorp@0.24

Feb-ILB@0.775, OSK@1.62

As of latest prices, ILB traded RM0.845(+9% from the highest price we bought @RM0.775);PMCorp traded RM0.23(almost no gain or losses,luckily average some at RM0.215 during April time) ; OSK traded RM1.88(+16% from RM1.62)
I would consider myself lucky on above results, as market has been building up higher risk. I actually expect some losses to come near term as I thought the market will come with some correction after almost a year of non-stop bull run. I barely see any huge correction from the market, this is the most surprising thing I've ever experienced. Probably partly due to our Ringgit:Dollar strengths at current 3.20?

Anyway, I'm currently monitoring a few companies: Jobstreet, GBH, Keladi, LCTH, FACBInd.
I will share more on Jobstreet in near future, most of these companies are net cash, but not really attractive like ILB,PMCorp where net cash per share after total liabilities is even higher than their current market price. The same goes with FACBInd, however as I've mentioned earlier in other posts, I have some concern over how the management manage the funds as they have been using the money to fund another related company Kbunai which I do not have preferences.  Yet, I might review this is near future once I can get better picture.

I will review GBH-Keladi soon as the news is already out today and there will be most action in near future I think and they will be interesting.
For dividend:
1。FPI-Div yield around 6%, 已经稳定派息好几年了。
2。Marco-Div yield around 9%,过去两年较高。不过应该可以稳定派4%
3。Parkson-不是派现金,但是派股票。 3:50,换算回来大概6%dividend.

For Asset play:
1.GSB Group-Sinma injecting property development into company? Will pump share price up a lot.
2.Mulpha-lots of land in Johor
3.Jobst-Buy after giving special div of RM2.40 or above.

Once in a lifetime? JOBST-ALL IN!

I have monitored since 2 years back, but there's no good entry point for me. As this stock is actively monitored by most fund managers. When opportunity arise, the price is quickly taken. I can say its P/E has all the while be around 20.
But recently SEEK's offering of takeover Jobstreet Pte Ltd, which includes most of sites in Asean countries offer us an opportunity to relook.

First, the offering is around RM1,740mil, company offer around RM1,700mil payback to shareholders via dividend. According to proforma IV , it will become around 707,953,000 share outstanding after some share offering to gain back Jobstreet filipino's minority, and also some ESOS shares.

Thus, by calculation, it is near RM2.40 on this dividend paying back to shareholders after the deal goes through. Recently, it has announced another dividend of 0.5sens.

Well, the question lies in where is the golden goose? Look at what are assets left over after takeover offering by SEEK.

Do some studies, refer to pg100.

Actually, Wisma Jobstreet bring my attention most, because it is around prime area, and it is physical object I can see and touch. Wisma Jobstreet in Sultan Ismail valued RM14mil during 2011. So by dividing RM14mil/707.95mil(proforma IV S/O)=RM0.02/share

Building alone worth us the cost of investing now @ RM2.42. Look at listed companies shares they own:-

I have done some background check on their prices and also earning quality of these companies.Out of all, 104 Corporation in Taiwan provide stable profit, same to 1010 printing Group. A quick study on prices, I've valued all these companies near RM129mil. Dividing this to Proforma IV, RM0.18 is my valuation on assets. Also, 1 thing to note is Cinderella Media is undergoing some corporate action of dividend in species to distribute their 1010 printing shareholding. Also, Cinderella Media's recent profit is deteriorating as well, thus I would rather not give it any value moving forward.

One important thing to note is company is not allowed to be involved in the same industry of is recruitment and some related businesses once the deal went through for 2 years. Thus the minor I think either will have to cease operation or be sold soon.

And company will fall into PN17 for sure without any core businesses while they have sometimes to find a new core businesses for the company. The name "Jobstreet" cannot be used also in future as SEEK bought the copyright of Jobstreet also.

But looking back at the founders' profile, I have confident this management can create more value to shareholders in future. And to be honest, I think there will be nothing to lose even buying at current price. If deal does not go through, we still keep a growing company, expanding into the regional almost covering whole Asia except in China which is no present yet, with some minor efforts in Japan, Thailand etc.

If deals goes through, you have the building as the back-up. If management fails to seek any core business(which I think impossible), they will sell all things and return the funds to shareholders. Building alone worth RM0.02. So it is almost risk free now.

Most encouraging part came on below announcement:-

"Subject to an agreement on any adjusted terms of the JobStreet SSA with SEEK Asia Investments Pte Ltd and fulfilment of all conditions precedent under the JobStreet SSA, the Proposed Disposals are expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2014."

"The Board had on 12 May 2014 announced that the CCS is further investigating the competitive impact of the Proposed Disposals in Singapore and entering into a Phase 2 review.
The CCS has on its media release dated 14 May 2014 announced that a Phase 2 review can take up to 24 weeks to complete and at the end of the Phase 2 review will decide whether to issue a favourable or unfavourable decision.
As at the date of this announcement, the Phase 2 review is still ongoing and is not anticipated to be completed by 1 July 2014. Accordingly, without prejudice to JobStreet's rights under the JobStreet SSA, JobStreet and SEEK Asia Investments Pte Ltd are in discussions to agree on an extension to the Long Stop Date under the JobStreet SSA and an adjustment to the consideration given the improved operational performance of JobStreet since a valuation of MYR1,730 million was agreed.
Subject to agreement on any adjusted terms of the JobStreet SSA with SEEK Asia Investments Pte Ltd and fulfillment of all conditions precedent under the JobStreet SSA, the Proposed Disposals are now expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2014. Further developments on the above matter will be announced to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course."

Monday, July 7, 2014






至於搞地產最叻的「新鴻基地產」,最重要的資產,莫過於商場和甲級商業大廈:從國金到圓方,夾在維港兩岸,就是「新地」旗下的兩顆明珠。無獨有偶,「怡和 系」旗下有中環的七幢甲級商廈,以及置地相連的大型商場,「太古系」則有太古廣場的酒店、商廈和商場群,包玉剛家族的「會德豐」也擁有時代廣場和海港城。
答案是在香港、歐洲、巴拿馬等地的碼頭、電訊、水電設施等等的基建項目。這些基建設施,是固定的收益,回報率遠遠比物業和商場收租高得多,也穩定得多。當 然了,在香港這個畸形的地產霸權市場,建商場和甲級商廈,一邊收租,一邊等升值的「新鴻基模式」回報率,也許更勝於「李嘉誠模式」。然而,別忘記,「新鴻 基模式」只是在香港這種畸形的客觀環境,才能如此成功,但「李嘉誠模式」,卻是放諸天下皆準的。

Sunday, July 6, 2014

KLCC 区 6 大天价公寓!


6.  St Mary Residences (RM1,100,000 – RM3,743,850)
创新的建筑设计包括:宽敞的玻璃窗,从不同的角度链接来呈现城市最美的景观。在St Mary的中央有52,200平方英尺的中央公园游泳池、应有尽有的设备以及只提供给居民的俱乐部。此外,也提供双层便利店,以满足居民的日常需要,将便 利性提高。一平方尺的售价约1450令吉左右,以都市化、时尚和高雅,以及永久产权的卖点吸引各方买家。

5.  Quadro Residences, KLCC (RM1,600,000 – RM2,000,000)
每个房间与客厅都有整面落地窗,具有捕捉绝佳风景的开阔视野。室内布局优,呈现经典的现代设计和装 修。一楼大厅超级挑高显气派,顶楼还有面向双峰塔的25公尺无边际游泳池,另有健身房和酒吧。1500令吉一平方尺,而最大的单位是2343平方尺。虽然 建筑的外表看起来像一般的办公大楼,但是胜在地理位置优越,而且是永久产权。

4.  The Avare, KLCC (RM3,000,000 – RM8,150,000)
公寓里呈现双层的设计,所以每一户都拥有3800 平方尺,非常宽敞;另有2户特别户则是7600平方尺的顶层公寓(penthouse),备有私人泳池。每平方尺售价介于3.9 – 11.9百万令吉。其奢华的6星级设施,包括住宅管家和私人豪华轿车服务,价格贵得吓人可想而知。

3.  The Troika (RM1,821,150 – RM6,600,000)

2.  One KL (RM3,900,000 – RM7,564,900)
让人羡慕的莫过于每一户都有自己专属的游泳池,随时随地都能畅游,而且也是大马目前唯一一栋拥有这 概念的公寓,因此房价也是贵得吓人,每平方尺要价RM2000!这奢华昂贵公寓都至少有3000平方英尺的总建筑面积。室内还附有能容纳超过100双鞋的 鞋柜,让爱买鞋的你也疯狂!

1.  The Binjai On The Park (RM3,880,000 – RM10,060,000)
The Binjai On The Park是一个由KLCC集团发展的高等酒店式公寓,位于KLCC公园隔壁,窗外能欣赏千坪绿意景色,让人有种置身于郊外的感觉,而这也是这栋公寓最大的卖点,每平方英尺以RM2600出售。