今年8月Forest Chew提供一张关于长期投资Top Glove图表资讯给歪歪,建议歪歪写一篇相关文章。
于是,歪歪就写了《13年前持有1000股Top Glove, 13年后滚成RM55,294 》。
《13年前持有1000股Top Glove, 13年后滚成RM55,294 》文章是在接近深夜,才完成post上部落格,并在面子书专业做推广。。。
前几天,Forest Chew再提供一张关于长期投资好公司回报图标给歪歪看。
这一次主角公司从Top Glove换成了Dialog Group Berhad - 戴乐集团,其长年累积的投资回报率更为具大:)
看在即将收到部落格广告费收入份上(好现实的我^0^) ,为此, 就花时间看图表数字,翻查Bursa Malaysia文告,写一篇相关文章送给读者。:)
18年前1000股Dialog, 18年后滚成213,106股或RM406,575
Dialog在1996年上市,当时IPO-Iniatial Public Offer 价格RM2.75,最初投入资本RM2750持有1000股。
2002年,Dialog宣布1配5红股, 手上只有4200股Dialog投资者可分得840股,总累计5040股Dialog.
2006年,Dialog宣布special share dividend 1 for 50, 60,480股可以获得1209股,总累积61,689股。
以此类推,来到2010年再获得2配5红股下,连同之前的红股和Special share dividend,已经累积了88,890股。
2012年,Dialog宣布2配10 right issue - RM1.20,持有88,890可以认购17,618股,并支付RM21,142。
其实,实际回报应该更多,因为数字还没有包括多年来的股息收入。 :)
Bursa Malaysia和HLebroking系统找到记录
2013年,当Sunway, Sunreit, IGBreit股价下跌,歪歪有陆续加码。
2015年,歪歪还会得到Sunway的免费Sun Con股份和特别股息。另外,估计Sunreit和IGBreit的股息都会有所增长,带给歪歪更多的passive income。
AEON, Karex或Tune Insurance。
来到2014年11月,自己累积了AEON 600股,Karex 2600股,Tune Insurance 1300股。
三家公司中,目前以Tune Insurance 业绩表现有点让歪歪失望,希望新CEO能够带给公司新改革吧~
开始在想,如果选保险公司股份做投资,选的是Takaful,而不是Tune Insurance,会否更好?
最近,Etiqa Motor Takaful给歪歪寄上了支票,让歪歪对Takaful保险有了好感。
作为投保人之一,开始喜欢Takaful保险概念了。^^(参考:Maybank eTiQa Motor Takaful寄上门的支票)
Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 17 年 3,819% 的复利威力 - 17 年 3,819% 的复利威力
DiGi 在 18 Dec 1997 上市,那时是公司名称是 DiGi Swisscom Bhd。
在 1999 年,Telenor 收购了 DiGi。同年, DiGi 配发 1:2 的 RM1.25 附加股。
然而,1997 至 2005 DiGi 都没派股息。
一直到了2006 和以后,DiGi 就慷慨派息了。
而且在 2006 年, 股东获得每股 RM1.35 的资本回退; 在 2011年11月,DiGi 被 拆细 1 into 10 。
要是在 DiGi 1997 上市时买进 1000 股 DiGi (假设 IPO 股价 RM2.50),随后分得 500 股 附加股(RM625)。 这 1500 股 的 DiGi 本钱是 RM3,125。
从 1997 年至今(17年),DiGi 股数从 1,000 股增至 15,000 股。
以今天 DiGi 的股价 ~ RM6.40, 现手上的股票价值就是 15,000 X 6.40 = RM96,000, 而这17年得到的股息是 RM26,468.625. 两个的总额是 RM122,468.62。
这意味着17年来, DiGi 股票加股息的总价值从 RM3,125 增加至 RM122,468.62,共增长了 3,819%, 而年复合增长率 (CAGR) 则是 24%。(比较大众银行的 19.5%)
其实要是倒算回 DiGi 的股价,它每股的“原价”该是: RM 6.40 X 10 X 1.5 = RM 96 !
我在 22 Feb 2010 首次买入 RM22.34 的 DiGi, 这批股票 4 年来开翻了一番半。过后我也逐渐增持至今,没什么原因,就是它的股息与股票增值太丰厚了。
DiGi 在 18 Dec 1997 上市,那时是公司名称是 DiGi Swisscom Bhd。
在 1999 年,Telenor 收购了 DiGi。同年, DiGi 配发 1:2 的 RM1.25 附加股。
然而,1997 至 2005 DiGi 都没派股息。
一直到了2006 和以后,DiGi 就慷慨派息了。
而且在 2006 年, 股东获得每股 RM1.35 的资本回退; 在 2011年11月,DiGi 被 拆细 1 into 10 。
要是在 DiGi 1997 上市时买进 1000 股 DiGi (假设 IPO 股价 RM2.50),随后分得 500 股 附加股(RM625)。 这 1500 股 的 DiGi 本钱是 RM3,125。
从 1997 年至今(17年),DiGi 股数从 1,000 股增至 15,000 股。
以今天 DiGi 的股价 ~ RM6.40, 现手上的股票价值就是 15,000 X 6.40 = RM96,000, 而这17年得到的股息是 RM26,468.625. 两个的总额是 RM122,468.62。
这意味着17年来, DiGi 股票加股息的总价值从 RM3,125 增加至 RM122,468.62,共增长了 3,819%, 而年复合增长率 (CAGR) 则是 24%。(比较大众银行的 19.5%)
其实要是倒算回 DiGi 的股价,它每股的“原价”该是: RM 6.40 X 10 X 1.5 = RM 96 !
我在 22 Feb 2010 首次买入 RM22.34 的 DiGi, 这批股票 4 年来开翻了一番半。过后我也逐渐增持至今,没什么原因,就是它的股息与股票增值太丰厚了。
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Oldjim on Malaysia property
新加Bore接鄰馬拉的地方叫新山,英文叫 Johor Bahru,新山是馬來西亞最南端、也是歐亞大陸最南端的城市,與鄰國隔著柔佛海峽相對,就好似香港去深圳咁,通關很方便,這裡將會成為強國另外一座鬼城,而且全部Made by China,新加Bore人現正隔岸觀火,李氏父子又在冷笑。 馬拉年頭黑到年尾,MH370事件令馬拉政府形象跌入谷底,馬拉各個行政機關的辦事效率和透明度,都會一直成為世界熱議話題。在此之前,碧桂園、綠地、富力等冇運行的地產商因為國內投資環境插水,被一班國際級大鱷騙了過來投資,眾房企都沒想到,事情遠沒那麼簡單,除了財務風險,經濟週期、匯率及當地住房需求等因素,落南洋的擴張計畫既沒佔到天時,也沒有地利,更欠人和,借Ge錢全部是外資,是時候等我整份「渾水」報告沽空佢。 這裡有數十幢樓高50層的Condo,通通建於填海地,2014年2月,綠地集團宣佈,集團計畫斥資近200億元人民幣投資柔佛州兩個地產專案,綠地的Billboard早已將這塊區域圍了起來,運沙卡車絡繹不絕。 我地問發展商,填海填幾耐?答:「一年。」「你地香港填海要填六至八年,新加坡10年,我地只需一年。」 我心諗,有冇搞X錯,I wish you Luck。 碧桂園是最早下南洋的開發商之一,從2008年起,順德佬楊國強就有意向海外拓展。2011年,通過同是順德同鄕四叔李兆基介紹識左老虎仔,遠東集團主席邱達昌,後者旗下的私人地產企業Mayland在馬來西亞耕耘多年,根基深厚,兩人很快就達成了合作意向,建立合營公司Wealthy Signet Sdn Bhd開發吉隆玻附近的兩個專案。但由於中馬法律法規的差異,在開發過程中,受制於私人土地權屬問題、政府繁雜的審批程式以及合營公司利益分配問題,兩個項目不久就陷入了僵局。 邱達昌都有名比你叫做「老虎仔」,當然唔係長隆D白老虎咁溫馴,邱達昌九十年代初拿着3000 萬,赤手空拳在馬來西來創立了馬來西亞置地。碧桂園佔合營公司55%的股權,但專案至今還未開盤,開發速度遠低於碧桂園持有100%股權的新山鬼城。 呢D貨,根本係用來協助碧桂園清國內存貨,即係響南番順買一件,就送一套南洋樓比你,買菜搭條葱。 馬來西亞在過去十多年的房地產市場發展並不理想,樓價升幅很小,馬拉總共才3000萬人,其中馬來人占67.4%,華人占24.6%。相對而言,在美國、歐洲、澳大利亞等地投資開發的回報與國內差不多,但風險較低,因為那些地方的市場處於相對低位元,在復蘇狀態,價格向上的趨勢明確,移民因素也不同程度地吸引著全球投資者。但馬拉似乎不具備這些優勢,整個東南亞市場受全球經濟週期影響較大,市場波動及匯率變化,對強國開發商的抗風險能力提出了更高要求。 針對目前進入馬來西亞最大的五個強國開發商,它們在馬拉的投資額與總資產的占比,形成投資沽空風險榜。房企在當地投資佔比越高,說明企業對該地的收入期待越高,也就越不容有失。資料顯示,富力地產以7.4%的占比排名第一,風險最高;緊隨其後的就是碧桂園,占比為6.4%;綠地集團以5.8%排名第三;新華聯不動產和雅居樂排在第四、第五位,占比分別為2.4%、0.33%。 除了已經開始銷售的碧桂園,其餘四家房企均是近幾個月才開始進入馬來西亞市場,其中富力、雅居樂和新華聯均是首次海外置地。他們天真的以為,只為新加Bore三份之一的房價,會吸引到坡佬過來置業。 馬來西亞的房地產投資政策在今年也有所變動。為了防止近年來在馬拉流行的團購房地產投資或炒房,總理納吉布宣佈,買樓三年內出售的,盈利所得應徵稅額從以前的15%提高到30%。購房5年出售的,也要征繳15%的盈利稅。除此以外,為了防止外資進入馬拉炒樓,2014年財政預算案規定外國人只能購置100萬令吉(約193萬人仔)以上的房產,比之前規定的最低金額翻了double,預計後續的政策只會更加嚴厲。 看起來,蝗蟲發展商想不斷複製國內開發的神話。但實際上,它的這種開發模式有其固有問題,就是只能賣一次。要保持一次性高去貨率,碧桂園必須不斷地開拓新的城市,尤其是幾乎沒有知名開發商進入、競爭不太激烈但消費潛力尚可的城市。但這樣的馬拉城市,能否滿足的增長需求很值得懷疑。當然,也有其他的選擇,就是減價。但這樣做,必將極大地損害原本已在下滑的利潤率。消失的飛機會給開發商們帶來什麼?或許是消失的銷售額。 這所謂的「深圳-香港」模式,在此根本唔會Work,這裡其實風水不錯,用來搞陰宅、土葬墓地或者骨灰龕場都應該不錯,反正遲早變成鬼城。 這裡,英文叫 Danga Bay,你自己讀一次。「釘嫁,悲」。
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Stock Cylce 2015 & Beyond
Stock Cylce 2015 & Beyond:
1. USA debt limit which projected to hit some where in march 2015
2. Greece pru (general election) in june 2015 which potentially create major uncertainty for EU cause base on survey, the left wing that promoting Greece break away from EU potentially win with strong vote..
3. local front :
3.1 GST start in 1 April 2015
3.2 oil price down trend affecting msian government budget causing potential budget adjustment n budgeted projects realignment n rationalization
3.3 the y2015 budget is a conceptual budget to kick off most of the construction projects which very much on early planing stage n approval stage before tendering in 2nd half of 2015....
Monday, October 27, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Penang Institute research on GST
See below the summary of the report of Penang Institute research on GST and the combined effect of GST, income tax savings and BR1M for Malaysians from differen...t income groups. Middle income group will suffer the most (household income of RM55,000 - RM 110,000 per annum). Overall, Malaysians will have less cash to spend.
The implementation of the Good and Services Tax, a higher BR1M and income tax cuts are some of the key elements in the Budget 2015.
Following the Budget 2015 to widen the scope of items that will not be subject to GST, the increased in the limit of electricity consumption not subject to GST and the exclusion of retail sale of RON95 petrol, diesel and LPG, we re-computed our analysis and believe that:
The net revenue collection from GST will likely to be less than RM 690 million due to GST fraud
1) After taking into account BR1M, the Budget 2015 estimated that the net revenue collection from GST will amount to RM 690 million per annum.
2) However, if this amount is estimated before the incidence of GST fraud, we believe that the practical amount might fall short of this realistically.
3) Besides, as the enforcement and monitoring costs might not be included, the net revenue raised might be even less.
4) Given that the expected fiscal deficit is 3.5% of GDP in 2014, the actual net revenue raised from GST might only contribute marginally to the aim of having a balanced budget.
Low and middle income households will bear a higher GST burden compared to high income households
5) Despite setting essential items like basic food, public transportation, education, healthcare, higher limit of electricity consumption, petrol, diesel and LPG as exempt or zero rated items, we find that GST itself remains a regressive tax (i.e. the low and middle income households will bear a higher tax burden than the higher income households).
6) This finding is consistent with the norm in international practice (e.g. the US tax administrator’s definition of regressive tax) and with international findings [e.g. “Does Australia Have a Good Income Tax System?” published in the International Business & Economics Research Journal (May 2013)].
7) Our research shows that the proportion of income paid as GST for:
a. Lowest income households (earning RM 605 per month) is 1.71%
b. Middle income households (earning RM 2,580 per month) is 2.01%
c. Highest income households (earning RM 31,850 per month) is 0.96%
8) Our conclusion that GST is a regressive tax is robust as it was undertaken using:
a. Bank Negara’s estimates of income/expenditure
b. The latest Household Expenditure Survey 2009/2010 from the Department of
c. The stipulation that essential items like basic food, public transportation, education
and healthcare are exempt or zero rated items
The average Malaysian household pays RM 70 per month or 1.9% of income as GST
9) Our research shows that the average Malaysian household is expected to pay RM 70 per month or 1.9% of their income as GST.
10) We find that a higher GST burden (as a percentage of income) will fall on households in these categories:
a. Low and middle income
b. Single person household
c. Young (less than 24 years old)
d. Bumiputera led households
e. Clerical workers, skilled agricultural and fishery workers
f. Households residing in Peninsular Malaysia
The combined net effect of BR1M, GST and income tax cuts will benefit low and high income households as they will have more cash; but the middle income households are worse off with less cash
11) In the Budget 2015, a higher BR1M and income tax cuts are introduced at the same time as GST.
12) By combining BR1M, income tax cuts and GST, we find that the Budget 2015 measures will have these effect (as summarised in Figure 1):
a. Low income households will receive BR1M which exceeds the GST that will be payable. The net effect is additional cash between RM 607 to RM 828 per annum.
b. High income households will receive income tax savings due to tax cuts that will exceed the GST payable, giving additional cash of RM 4,296 per annum.
c. Middle income households will neither receive BR1M nor benefit much from income tax cuts; but will have to pay GST. Consequently, they will end up having less cash – approximately RM 708 per annum. The annual household incomes for these middle income households are approximately between RM 55,000 to RM 110,000 per annum.
13) According to the Household Income Survey 2012, the average household income in Malaysia is RM 5,000 per month (RM 60,000 per annum). Therefore, we believe that the combined effect will result in the average Malaysian household having less cash to spend.
For more information on our research and on our interactive spreadsheet detailing the impact on different households, visit:
Press statement by:
1. Dr Lim Kim Hwa, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Economics, Penang Institute
2. Dr Lim Chee Han, Senior Analyst, Penang Institute
3. Ms Ong Wooi Leng, Senior Analyst, Penang Institute
4. Mr Tim Niklas Schoepp, Visiting Analyst, Penang Institute
Following the Budget 2015 to widen the scope of items that will not be subject to GST, the increased in the limit of electricity consumption not subject to GST and the exclusion of retail sale of RON95 petrol, diesel and LPG, we re-computed our analysis and believe that:
The net revenue collection from GST will likely to be less than RM 690 million due to GST fraud
1) After taking into account BR1M, the Budget 2015 estimated that the net revenue collection from GST will amount to RM 690 million per annum.
2) However, if this amount is estimated before the incidence of GST fraud, we believe that the practical amount might fall short of this realistically.
3) Besides, as the enforcement and monitoring costs might not be included, the net revenue raised might be even less.
4) Given that the expected fiscal deficit is 3.5% of GDP in 2014, the actual net revenue raised from GST might only contribute marginally to the aim of having a balanced budget.
Low and middle income households will bear a higher GST burden compared to high income households
5) Despite setting essential items like basic food, public transportation, education, healthcare, higher limit of electricity consumption, petrol, diesel and LPG as exempt or zero rated items, we find that GST itself remains a regressive tax (i.e. the low and middle income households will bear a higher tax burden than the higher income households).
6) This finding is consistent with the norm in international practice (e.g. the US tax administrator’s definition of regressive tax) and with international findings [e.g. “Does Australia Have a Good Income Tax System?” published in the International Business & Economics Research Journal (May 2013)].
7) Our research shows that the proportion of income paid as GST for:
a. Lowest income households (earning RM 605 per month) is 1.71%
b. Middle income households (earning RM 2,580 per month) is 2.01%
c. Highest income households (earning RM 31,850 per month) is 0.96%
8) Our conclusion that GST is a regressive tax is robust as it was undertaken using:
a. Bank Negara’s estimates of income/expenditure
b. The latest Household Expenditure Survey 2009/2010 from the Department of
c. The stipulation that essential items like basic food, public transportation, education
and healthcare are exempt or zero rated items
The average Malaysian household pays RM 70 per month or 1.9% of income as GST
9) Our research shows that the average Malaysian household is expected to pay RM 70 per month or 1.9% of their income as GST.
10) We find that a higher GST burden (as a percentage of income) will fall on households in these categories:
a. Low and middle income
b. Single person household
c. Young (less than 24 years old)
d. Bumiputera led households
e. Clerical workers, skilled agricultural and fishery workers
f. Households residing in Peninsular Malaysia
The combined net effect of BR1M, GST and income tax cuts will benefit low and high income households as they will have more cash; but the middle income households are worse off with less cash
11) In the Budget 2015, a higher BR1M and income tax cuts are introduced at the same time as GST.
12) By combining BR1M, income tax cuts and GST, we find that the Budget 2015 measures will have these effect (as summarised in Figure 1):
a. Low income households will receive BR1M which exceeds the GST that will be payable. The net effect is additional cash between RM 607 to RM 828 per annum.
b. High income households will receive income tax savings due to tax cuts that will exceed the GST payable, giving additional cash of RM 4,296 per annum.
c. Middle income households will neither receive BR1M nor benefit much from income tax cuts; but will have to pay GST. Consequently, they will end up having less cash – approximately RM 708 per annum. The annual household incomes for these middle income households are approximately between RM 55,000 to RM 110,000 per annum.
13) According to the Household Income Survey 2012, the average household income in Malaysia is RM 5,000 per month (RM 60,000 per annum). Therefore, we believe that the combined effect will result in the average Malaysian household having less cash to spend.
For more information on our research and on our interactive spreadsheet detailing the impact on different households, visit:
Press statement by:
1. Dr Lim Kim Hwa, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Economics, Penang Institute
2. Dr Lim Chee Han, Senior Analyst, Penang Institute
3. Ms Ong Wooi Leng, Senior Analyst, Penang Institute
4. Mr Tim Niklas Schoepp, Visiting Analyst, Penang Institute
Monday, October 13, 2014
Budget 2015 Highlights for Personal Finance
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is also Finance Minister, unveiled 2015 budgets in the Parliaments on Friday, 10th October 2014. The theme for 2015 Budget “Accelerating Growth, Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability and Prospering the Rakyat.”
In 2015, economic growth is expected to remain strong between 5% and 6% while the fiscal deficit is projected to further decline to 3% of GDP.
The 2015 budget is formulated with focus on the people’s economy and outlines seven main strategies:
First Strategy: Strengthening Economic Growth;
Second Strategy: Enhancing Fiscal Governance;
Third Strategy: Developing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship;
Fourth Strategy: Advancing Bumiputera Agenda;
Fifth Strategy: Upholding Role of Women;
Sixth Strategy: Developing National Youth Transformation Programme; and
Seventh Strategy: Prioritising Well-Being of the Rakyat.
The following are 2014 Budget highlights for Personal Finance and Investment.
In 2015, economic growth is expected to remain strong between 5% and 6% while the fiscal deficit is projected to further decline to 3% of GDP.
The 2015 budget is formulated with focus on the people’s economy and outlines seven main strategies:
First Strategy: Strengthening Economic Growth;
Second Strategy: Enhancing Fiscal Governance;
Third Strategy: Developing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship;
Fourth Strategy: Advancing Bumiputera Agenda;
Fifth Strategy: Upholding Role of Women;
Sixth Strategy: Developing National Youth Transformation Programme; and
Seventh Strategy: Prioritising Well-Being of the Rakyat.
The following are 2014 Budget highlights for Personal Finance and Investment.
Area | Description |
Goods & Services Tax (GST) | The following items are exempted from GST(i) All types of fruits whether local or imported; (ii) White bread and wholemeal bread; (iii) Coffee powder, tea dust and cocoa powder; (iv) Yellow mee, kuey teow, laksa and meehoon; (v) The National Essential Medicine covering almost 2,900 medicine brands. These medicines are used to treat 30 types of diseases including heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and fertility treatment; (vi) Reading materials such as children’s colouring books, exercise and reference books, text books, dictionaries and religious books; and (vii) Newspapers. |
Electricity consumption that is not subject to GST will be increased from the first 200 units to 300 units. This will benefit 70 per cent of households. | |
Retail sale of RON95 petrol, diesel and LPG exempted from GST | |
Budget 2015 proposed to have a reduction of up to 4.1 per cent in the prices of 532 items or 56 per cent of the 944 goods and services in the basket of goods of the CPI | |
Income Tax | Individual income tax rates will be reduced by 1 to 3 percentage points. 300,000 individual taxpayers will no longer pay income tax. |
Household with monthly income of RM4,000 does not need to pay tax | |
Maximum chargeable income will be increased from exceeding RM100,000 to exceeding RM400,000. The current maximum tax rate at 26% will be reduced to 24%, 24.5% and 25%. | |
Tax relief for expenses incurred for treatment of serious diseases such as cancer, kidney failure and heart attack increase from RM5,000 to RM6,000 per year. The relief is available to the tax payer, spouse and children. | |
Financial assistance for the disabled (OKU). Tax relief for each disabled child from increase from RM5,000 to RM6,000 per year for the purchase of basic supporting equipment for the tax payer, spouse, children and parents. | |
Property | Youth Housing Scheme. For married youth aged between 25 and 40 years with household income not exceeding RM10,000 to buy first house. The scheme offers loan with the maximum period of 35 years.Government will provide monthly financial assistance of RM200 to borrowers for the first two years to reduce the burden of monthly installment and also 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer agreements and loan agreements.Will be offered on first-come first-served basis for 20,000 units only. |
80,000 units under the 1Malaysia People’s Housing Programme (PR1MA). The ceiling of household income is raised from RM8,000 to RM10,000. In addition, a Rent-To-Own Scheme will be introduced specifically for individuals who are unable to obtain bank financing. | |
National Housing Department (JPN) will build 26,000 units under the People’s Housing Programme (PPR) | |
Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) to build 12,000 units of Rumah Mesra Rakyat (RMR) and 5,000 units of Rumah Idaman Rakyat. SPNB will also build 20,000 units of Rumah Aspirasi Rakyat on privately-owned land. | |
Extend the 50% stamp duty exemption on instruments of transfer and loan agreements and increase the purchase limit from RM400,000 to RM500,000. The exemption will be given until 31 December 2016. | |
Improve Skim Rumah Pertamaku under the purview of Cagamas by raising the ceiling price to RM500,000. The age of borrowers to qualify for the scheme will be increased from 35 to 40 years. | |
Tax on gains from the disposal of property (RPGT) be self-assessed by the taxpayer effective from the year 2016. | |
Lower Income Group | BR1M increase from RM650 to RM950 for households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below. It will be disbursed in three instalments of RM300 each to be paid in January and May with the balance of RM350 from September 2015 |
For households with a monthly income between RM3,000 and RM4,000, the Government will increase BR1M from RM450 to RM750. This assistance will be disbursed in three instalments, RM200 to be paid in January and May while the balance of RM350 from September 2015 | |
Single individuals aged 21 and above and with a monthly income not exceeding RM2,000, BR1M will be increased from RM300 to RM350 a year. | |
Government will replace the group takaful insurance or i-BR1M with Family Bereavement Scheme. The new scheme will entitle the next of kin of BR1M recipients to receive RM1,000 effective for a year. | |
Government will develop a new mechanism for providing petroleum subsidy to ensure a more targeted subsidy. | |
Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) | 10% rebate is given to borrowers who continuously make repayments for 12 months until 31 December 2015. |
An additional 20% discount will be offered to borrowers who make lump sum repayments from today until 31 March 2015. | |
Civil Servant | Civil servants will be given half-month bonus |
Increase the minimum eligibility for housing loans from RM80,000 to RM120,000 and the maximum eligibility limit from RM450,000 to RM600,000. RM100 processing fee for housing loan application will be abolished. | |
PPA1M houses. Reduce the minimum price of houses currently at RM150,000 to RM90,000 per unit with a minimum floor area of 850 square feet. Raise the qualifying requirement of household income from RM8,000 to RM10,000 per month and provide a facilitation fund of up to 25% from the project cost for developers participating in the scheme. |
Financial Freedom,
Thursday, October 9, 2014
美国真股神是Carl Icahn,不是Warren Buffett
Six Stocks Owned by Billionaire Carl Icahn
Perhaps the biggest nugget in Icahn’s letter was his analysis on the power of the board seat. Over the past five years, if any investor would have bought an Icahn-owned stock the day that he (or his team) joined the board of the company, and sold it the day they left the board, according to Icahn's study that investor would have made a 27% annualized return. That means Icahn’s “board seat screen” would have turned $30,000 into just over $100,000. Moreover, these stocks were winners nearly 8 out of every 10 times, when this condition of a board seat was met.
Through this analysis, Icahn is essentially telling us to follow him – to do what he does. With this in mind, here’s a look at five stocks where Carl Icahn has a 5% stake or more, and currently has a board seat.
Transocean Ltd. (RIG) – Icahn has had a member of his team on Transocean’s board since 2013 and he owns almost 6% of this stock.
Navistar (NAV) – Icahn’s team has been on the board of Navistar since 2012 and Icahn owns 17.6% of Navistar’s stock.
Hertz (HTZ) – Icahn owns almost 9% of Hertz, and last month he just received three board seats from the company.
Six Stocks Owned by Billionaire Carl Icahn
Carl Icahn has the best long-run investing track record in history. Yes, better than Warren Buffett, and over a slightly longer period of time.
From 2000 to July of this year, Icahn returned a cumulative 1,622%. That compares to 235% for Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, and just 73% for the S&P 500. Icahn has returned 27% annualized over a 52-year period. That turns $10,000 into $2.5 billion. That’s a remarkable statement.
How does he do it?
This past August, he wrote a public letter on his style of investing.
In his letter, Icahn points to a dysfunctional corporate America as the lifeblood of his strategy. He says, “true corporate democracy does not exist in America and as a result many unfit CEOs are not held accountable.” He credits his success to “adhering to the activism model which we have spent many years developing. What we essentially do is attempt to hold managements accountable through our rights as shareholders and seek to ensure the right people run the companies we invest in.”
In short, there will always be the opportunity to step in and shake up management, remove bad CEO’s, replace them with good CEO’s, and unlock value in poorly performing companies. Until every company in America is optimally run and is maximizing shareholder value, Icahn will be in business, and so will the art of shareholder activism. Perhaps the biggest nugget in Icahn’s letter was his analysis on the power of the board seat. Over the past five years, if any investor would have bought an Icahn-owned stock the day that he (or his team) joined the board of the company, and sold it the day they left the board, according to Icahn's study that investor would have made a 27% annualized return. That means Icahn’s “board seat screen” would have turned $30,000 into just over $100,000. Moreover, these stocks were winners nearly 8 out of every 10 times, when this condition of a board seat was met.
Through this analysis, Icahn is essentially telling us to follow him – to do what he does. With this in mind, here’s a look at five stocks where Carl Icahn has a 5% stake or more, and currently has a board seat.
Hologic (HOLX) – According to Icahn’s Filings he owns almost $7 billion dollars worth, or 12% of Hologic. His team has two board seats on Hologic.
Nuance (NUAN) – Icahn has two members of his team on Nuance’s board and he owns more than 19% of Nuance stock. Transocean Ltd. (RIG) – Icahn has had a member of his team on Transocean’s board since 2013 and he owns almost 6% of this stock.
Navistar (NAV) – Icahn’s team has been on the board of Navistar since 2012 and Icahn owns 17.6% of Navistar’s stock.
Hertz (HTZ) – Icahn owns almost 9% of Hertz, and last month he just received three board seats from the company.
Herbalife Ltd. (HLF) – Icahn owns a whopping 18.5% of Herbalife and he has had three seats on Herbalife’s board since April of 2013.
Carl Icahn,
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